Brand new dedicated server blacklisted - OVH

Hi crew. My community just ordered a dedicated server from OVH in Sydney, about 24 hours ago.

It’s ip address is blacklisted by fivem. Yay.

I assume this had something to do with someone reselling FiveM servers in this ip range, which we have never done and are not planning on doing. This box is only for our use. We are not a Fivem hosting company at all. OVH does not offer this either.

I decided to go a dedicated server with OVH as it is one of very few companies in AUS that offer DDOS protection.

Does anyone know how long it usually takes to have a blacklist removed? We have 40+ players keen to get going on a server thats been in development for nearly 2 months, and we’ve hit this brick wall. We have emailed the address.

it could be awhile… there is no set time that it will take.

Why is this even the case.

Some dickhead would have been running a 5M reseller service, or trying to make profit off a server, in the IP range, so got blacklisted.

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I don’t think it’s a good practice to ban every IP Address that OVH owns… Did you somehow get it resolved? It’s been two weeks.

It was resolved in a few days.

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