Blue Sky RP | Ingame MDT-CAD | Custom Drugs | 300 + Custom Cars | TOKOVOIP | DOJ + Courthouse | Whitelisted Jobs | Team Job/Minigames | Nice UI | Casino | Mega Heists

Blue Sky RP

Blue Sky RP:

We would like to invite you the fully released Blue Sky RP. We believe that people need a place to create the most realistic stories which they most likely cannot the real world. If you have a scenario you want to live, maybe you just want to relive part of your life, or even if you want to just live your everyday life in the city, Blue Sky is the place for you. We aim to give you a city with dedicated RP, where you shouldn’t have to worry about a person breaking character. We like our civilians happy and we know how bad poor RP can be. Many of our staff have years of RP experience so we try to bring you new and exciting scenarios daily.

The city is filled with jobs that pay out accordingly from:

  • Mining
  • Lumber Work
  • News reporter
  • Truck fueling
  • Fisherman,
  • Taxi driver
  • Tailor
  • Butcher
  • Unemployed

We also have whitelist jobs that you may apply for if you want something a little more exciting which include:

  • Police
  • Medical Staff
  • Car dealers
  • Mechanics
  • Tuner Shop
  • Judges
  • Lawyers

If you think that isn't enough well you are in luck, we have an active development team working to add even more things to this great city as well as fixing any problems you come across, so if you have any ideas to make the city better we are open ears. Everything in Blue Sky is created custom from our development team on a separate server which we believe will provide you the best experience and keep you in the city longer.

Some of these custom things include:

  • Cocaine
  • Meth
  • EMS Police Working Blips
  • Cars
  • Artwork
  • Interiors

If you are wondering about vehicles, we have plenty of classic GTA vehicles as well as a selection of Imported vehicles you can choose from and we are also importing new cars weekly. As the community grows we will most likely implement a whitelist system so that we can examine who is coming in and out of the city closer as well as adding one-sync and TokoVOIP. All this being said we would cordially like to invite you to our discord server (Discord) where you kind find all of the information you will need to get started in the city. Welcome to Blue Sky, where the little things matter!
Discord: Discord


Just Joined the city they have great admins great developers great people in the city always adding new stuff 10/10 great for new people who want to make freinds


Races now in the city. Hell Yeah!!Let’s get this place going!!!

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We hit 20 people tonight! Hope to see more in the city tomorrow.


Properties are fully functioning, and we’re polishing up the server everyday!

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New changes BELOW!

  1. Courthouse Implemented.
  2. Players can now sell weed and crack to Locals.
  3. Prison Visiting Room Fixed.
  4. Prison time reduced from prison work.
  5. Bulletproof Vest(Available at Ammunation)
  6. Clips are now able to be dropped and given.
  7. Complete overhaul of teleport system.
  8. Added multiple new interiors for new locations(try and find where they are).
  9. Police Cars speeds and handling adjusted
  10. EMS cars fixed (no more flying SUVs)
  11. Prices of some vehicles were changed(check car list)
  12. Property inventory fix.
  13. Added Races
  14. Fuel changed to 0.5x consumption rate(Lasts twice as long)
  15. Courthouse Implemented.
  16. Players can now sell weed and crack to Locals.
  17. Prison Visiting Room Fixed.
  18. Prison time reduced from prison work.
  19. Bulletproof Vest(Available at Ammunation)
  20. Clips are now able to be dropped and given.
  21. Complete overhaul of teleport system.
  22. Added multiple new interiors for new locations(try and find where they are).
  23. Police Cars speeds and handling adjusted
  24. EMS cars fixed (no more flying SUVs)
  25. Prices of some vehicles were changed(check car list)
  26. Property inventory fix.
  27. Added Races
  28. Fuel changed to 0.5x consumption rate(Lasts twice as long)
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Controller friendly?

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New things added!
Added more ELS vehicles
Started work on a custom CAD/MDT
Fixed Bugs

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Custom CAD is nearly implemented!
We also have a ton of new players joining.

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The CAD Is in, and we just added a casino. Check us out now!

We just put in a GIANT UI update, New players are joining everyday. Come on in!

Further work is being done on the CASINO, AND it will hopefully be done within the week.

We just added Carjacking and all that other jazz! Come on in now!

There’s a car show tonight. We also improved the economy and added 11 more cars!

Monday Night Party in Blue Sky, I think yes. Its been going off in town and everyone’s been creating some really good stories!!! I want More!!!

More UI updates, More cars have been added, and We’re having a “car show” tonight!

We Just added a bunch on new robbery options. Criminal Overhaul soon!

Criminal Overhaul on its way in the next few days. We also are getting a lot of new people with a ton of new stories to tell!

Overhaul on robbable houses. You can know rob houses all over the city

We just added Wine Making to server, We also added advanced fishing!