Blood River

Become a predator and hunt mortals !

Gameplay Features

For both mp male and mp female

Transformations can be role locked

If you have sirevlc dead of night ressource, the daemons that you have spawned will follow you as companions and defend you. Keep in mind other daemons will still attack you if they’re spawned by another player/client

If you are on a mount while being a predator you will have flaming hooves

Peds will flee when they see you approaching

Choose at what time the transformation can be done ! (from Midnight to 5 AM by default in the config)

Choose the transformations locations

You can also use a command or use a triggerevent (provided in the config.lua) to trigger the transformation so you can link it with any items

Each time you kill a ped or player you will get bonus health and stamina ! (set the amount in the config.lua)

When you die while transformed you loose all your weapons


1 - Check that your keymaster account is linked to your server

2 - Download the sirevlc-notifications and the asset from your keymaster granted assets page and place them in your server ressources folder

3 - In your ressources.cfg or server.cfg add these lines :

ensure sirevlc_notifications

ensure sirevlc_blood_river

4 - Enjoy !


One of the frameworks listed below:



Get it on tebex !

Locked Files

All files are locked except the config.lua

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements listed frameworks
Support Yes
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You can now lock which weapons are allowed to be used while transformed (all forbidden weapons will automatically be holstered when equipped) and the weapons removed after death will be the one listed in the config (weapongiven and weapongiven2 in the config.lua)

Added the possibility to automatically kill the transformed player if time reaches the limit set in the config.lua (6am by default)


Fixed flaming hooves sometimes not working