Blip legend

Not sure if this is a bug, I am sorry if I posted in the wrong place.

  1. Client (production/canary) and FXServer version:
    Client version: release / FXServer version: should be 9601
    (This problem happens on gambuild b2802 or above)

  2. What you expected to happen
    the blip legend on the right of the map to be able to move up and down when mouse scroll on it

  3. What actually happens
    when mouse scrolling on blip legend, the map zooms in or out instead of the blip legend moving

  4. Category of bug (eg. client, server, weapons, peds, native): should be client?

  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s)
    First, force gamebuild to anything above 2802 on server.cfg. Then restart server, join the game. The blip legend will be unable to be srcolled. → Watch 2024-08-28 21-05-58 | Streamable (this is on b3095)
    Force gamebuild to anything below 2802 (e.g. 2699) on server.cfg. Restart server and join the game. The blip legend will be able to be scrolled again. → Watch 2024-08-28 21-01-25 | Streamable (this is on b2699)

I am hoping to include more features from the newer gamebuilds but this bug is hindering me from moving onto any builds higher than 2699. I am stuck in 2699.

This is usually caused by having too many blips on your map, there’s a hard limit - IIIRC 99, but best verify for yourself - that if surpassed causes that exact issue, and it’s possible that the limit changes depending on the build used. Make sure that’s not the case for you

I am quite sure its not about blip limit. I always know that theres a blip limit, and I have already tried to reduce the number of blips but it still doesnt work on newer gamebuilds. and as in the video, there is only 30 blips, which should be considered as a small number i suppose.

Huh, that is strange then - it works fine for me personally across different servers running on 3095, which makes me think there’s something else at play

I am not sure but it might be related to the languange(? , if it works fine for you. coz its not just me experiencing this problem, some other Chinese server developers have asked me for help for this problem.
btw, the video was taken in a pure esx 1.10 server so it should not be anything related to scripting.
and, I have tried to go to the gta5 game, the blip legend does not scroll too. :smiling_face_with_tear:

still not working by switching language to English :frowning_face:

That’s your answer, probably has to do with the font or something then - wouldn’t be my first guess but very much possible given it doesn’t work in the base game as well

Update: this issue is resolved in the latest gamebuild 3407