I sure do, and i also hate guns not having any difficulty in them, so i quickly wrote BetterRecoil to fix that issue, each gun has its own recoil value, sadly, it doesn’t support patterns as that would be an annoying and tedious process, but this is fine for now, here are a few examples:
Combat MG Mk2
( due to high firerate the recoil is quite heavy )
Pistol .50
each recoil value can be adjusted freely.
although the way i add the recoil is a bit bad, it works just fine, anyone wanting to improve it is free to do so, just don’t re-release it without my permission.
The mod is already called 3rd Person Recoil, but please allow me the question:
Does it also effect 1st Person Shooting?
Because on our Server we have the aimdot disabled, so most People are Shooting in 1st peson.
i modded your script for my server… i was able to get more or less the same recoil for third and first person…
while true do
if IsPedShooting(PlayerPedId()) and not IsPedDoingDriveby(PlayerPedId()) then
local _,wep = GetCurrentPedWeapon(PlayerPedId())
_,cAmmo = GetAmmoInClip(PlayerPedId(), wep)
if recoils[wep] and recoils[wep] ~= 0 then
tv = 0
if GetFollowPedCamViewMode() ~= 4 then
SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey("Default"))
p = GetGameplayCamRelativePitch()
SetGameplayCamRelativePitch(p+0.1, 0.2)
tv = tv+0.1
until tv >= recoils[wep]
SetWeaponAnimationOverride(PlayerPedId(), GetHashKey("FirstPersonAiming"))
p = GetGameplayCamRelativePitch()
if recoils[wep] > 0.1 then
SetGameplayCamRelativePitch(p+0.6, 1.2)
tv = tv+0.6
SetGameplayCamRelativePitch(p+0.016, 0.333)
tv = tv+0.1
until tv >= recoils[wep]
since there was a difference if aiming with pistol instead of other i had to add a little if else…
i added too an override for the animation since in my server we wanted to force people to aim with the weapon fisical reticle… XD