BetterDeath v1.0.0

BetterRevive is a redesigned version of FAX Revive but modernized. It has basically the same functionality as FAX Revive but with a redesigned respawning system. When attempting to respawn by pressing R, a menu will popup containing possible spawns that the player can choose. Cooldowns and spawns can be added, removed, or changed by editing config.lua.

Resource preview:


BetterRevive requires dpEmotes (repo) in order to assign the player an animation when respawning. If this is not included on your server, errors may occur.
You can download the dpEmotes dependency from their GitHub here.

You may download the resource directly (2.7 KB)
You can also view the source on github.


Will this work on QBcore framework, or what changes would need to be made?

Yes it should function normally. You can customize cooldowns for everything, as well as the positions and animations for each respawn point.