Better Gloves

Better Gloves

This mod aims to create some more depth to your server by itemising gloves. Not only have they been itemised but also preconfigured to automatically adjust according to what you are wearing (Configurable to fit addon clothes)


  • 15 pairs of itemised gloves
  • Preconfigured to fit short sleeves, vests, t-shirts ,shirtless etc
  • Simple use feature, will work with most inventory systems
  • For QB servers exclusively , items are required in order to wear them, no item = no gloves
  • Standalone option available in config to use commands, same logic applied when wearing
  • Simple export to implement to other scripts for fingerprints or requirements
  • Gloves that don’t correspond to items are still classed as though the client is “wearing” them when exported to other scripts
  • Statebags available eg: driving gloves can be used to suppress stress while driving or tactical gloves could do the same while shooting


If you have Long sleeve shirts streamed over short sleeved shirts for example, you can adjust the index for the torso


Since its been developed for a server running on a customised framework it’s been adapted to run fully on the latest qb-core release, ESX and Standalone operate as a toggle either through a command for Menu Based servers or using an item from your inventory for ESX, may work with VRP

Open source is available


  • For QB servers, add items in the README to your shared.lua
  • Add the image files provided to your inventory
  • ensure betterglovez (or whatever you choose to name it)
  • use the items to toggle the gloves on or off
  • If using standalone commands are in the README

Coming Soon

  • More variations of gloves will be added
  • Better Bags and Better Jewellery


Code is accessible Yes & No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 7000
Requirements QBCore/ESX
Support Yes

This isn’t working. When using command or using item

what’s your discord its not working for me the item nor the command

DM’d you the discord

whats your discord… this aint working

There are one or two steps depending on what framework you’re using, its all in the readme

Do you have any documentation? I can’t figure out your config. I change the IDs for addon clothes but the script still gives me the same messed up arms. You mention a Readme, there is no Readme file in the tebex package…

Hi, is this script still available ? thanks !

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Does not appear to be. Tebex is offline and the discord link in Youtube is invalid

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you sick bitch false advertising