Better arrest animations

I will have to look through the animations but i don’t remember seeing any animations in the game that had officers cuffing people that were on the ground so not sure you could find one that will allow cuffing of dead players.

The only part that would need to be changed for my commands to work for vrp would be this line

local target, distance = ESX.Game.GetClosestPlayer()

If you find closest player without that esx function you could make the /cuff /uncuff work for vrp no problem. Since i have never looked at the vrp framework I couldn’t help you with it.


Can you not just use the same animation and have it play like they are alive? Because currently you cannot cuff people when down which can be bad.

oh… i was thinking you wanted a animation for cuffing when someone was dead… would need to check the code to see if it checks to see if your deadordying can’t remember but if it does check for that just remove that check and should cuff no matter what.


edit: now that i think about it… i have it look for closest player with ESX.GetClosestPlayer() and that function might ingore dead peds. You could try using another function to find closest player and see if that fixes the being able to cuff dead players.

I have tried everything and can’t seem to get it working. Hopefully you can! Thanks for your work.

hello I have a doubt you know how I can implement or where to get a guide to implement these animations with their proops

since I want to add this animation to the script that edits “lootbody” and implement this animation with your proop but I only get the animation out but not the backpack,

I got this :slight_smile:



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animation name? PLS

Thank’s for the help on this forum post.
We got the arresting animation to work now:heart_eyes:

Watched the video… and after i did the cuff / uncuff commands… i think its better to remove the

local x, y, z   = table.unpack(playercoords + playerlocation * 1.0)
SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), x, y, z)

command when uncuffing - so if you put them in jail cell and want to uncuff from outside the cell - they dont get warped to the outside of the cell. Just a suggestion.


Allright, will take a look.
Haven’t had any problmes with them coming out of the cell during the animation yet

Video was extremely helpful - thank you SpikE

Only question would be, is there an easy way to implement a handcuff sound that both the officer and suspect hears when cuffed/uncuffed?

I use this script for my Jewel Store heist - to play the sounds of keys when using keys to open the door. You would just need to find a handcuff.ogg and then make it play that sound. I cant remember if i tested to make sure anyone near could hear the sound but if not you could pass along command when cuffing/uncuffing for both players to have the game play the sounds so they both hear it.


hello everyone, I have a problem with this animation, during the shutdown everything goes well, while to remove the handcuffs I have to do the animation twice to remove them. I don’t understand the xk. thank you very much if someone helps me

No, unfortantly i’m back at square one since my pc caught problems and unfortantly i had to reinstall so i’m back to wear the handcuffs are well not working no matter what i do.
Would it be possible to maybe if someone can possible share the client and server scripts file to get it to work please?

How do I go about adding a hotkey instead of having to type /cuff, for example pressing ctrl + e and it cuffs the closest person…

could make what I put up work based on the esx_barbie_lyftupp

clean and adapt to my taste and look like this

and this message comes out to the player when he is “encased”

sorry for my bad english

what I need a guide or help to block actions of the player that I’m aiming

“that you cannot press the X, ALT, AND OTHER KEYS”


send codes pls !!!

Hello my good friend, many attempts I could make synchronize both parts in time.

both last 54 seconds

and momentarily I put them on command, now the dilemma is trying to synchronize as much as my character towards the person I will relive.

I will grab as a sample or test the cuff code that you found out if I get it, I hope you can help me since you are one of the people who helped me most here : D

and again sorry for my bad english