[BETA TESTER NEEDED] Linux Executable

Hi, I have designed a Linux executable that should install ssh and create a stock FiveM server I was wondering if anyone could test it and let me know if there are any bugs

Tried the script.

FIrst of all what’s the purpose of these lines?

sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo apt-get remove openssh-server -y
sudo apt-get install openssh-server -y

Why are you reinstalling openssh-server?

wget https://runtime.fivem.net/artifacts/fivem/build_proot_linux/master/1141-8cded82ebff9053946e778016cb496acd0e250b0/fx.tar.xz

I also suggest you don’t harcode the version in your script

Folder structure



Folder structure looks good, everything in seperate server-data folder and start command used is fine.

It looks good but at the end i don’t see the purpose of this as it’s exactly the same as the “setup a server” guide on the docs and i suggest people setup their own stuff so they know what they are doing

it was more of like a setup for dummies guide I am making for youtube I wanted people’s feedback the first couple of lines makes sure your system is up to date with updates and latest distro for all Linux based systems the open ssh server reinstall is for people to able to remote control their vps from their personal computer if needed I do it with my own community. I appreciate that you tested my script do you think there should be anything else added