[BETA] Blackout Gaming RP | Public | Serious RP | MET Police & NHS | Economy | Housing | Boosting Cars | Active Staff & Devs

Blackout Gaming RP

  • What is Blackout Gaming RP?
    BGRP is a new and upcoming FiveM server, which is in BETA. We use the QBCore framework and offer a wide range of jobs, activities, houses and jobs. Our admin team focus on community feedback and are all ears when it comes to listening to your ideas! We are looking for Active Players & BETA testers to help build our server & community!

  • What does Blackout Gaming RP offer?
    Well, BGRP offers a LOT of stuff to do. Heres a List of everything we offer from jobs to general stuff:

– :policeman:MET Police
– :ambulance:National Health Service
– :toolbox:Underthehood
– :cat2:uWu Cafe workers
– :toolbox:Harmony Repair Mechanics
– :red_car:PDM Salesman
– :chart_with_upwards_trend:Economy
– :houses:Housing
– :racing_car:Custom Cars
– :racing_car:Racing scene & Boosting
– :world_map:GABZ Interiors
– :sari:Custom Clothing
– :gun:Gangs
– :herb:Drugs
– :wastebasket:Dumpster Diving

  • And so much more! We also have other business which aren’t established and requires owners. If you are looking to run one then come join our server and create a ticket and apply! Our only requirements are that you are active and show good rp. Thats it! So why not come check us out today and be apart of growing BGRP!!!

Discord: Link

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Would recommend :eyes: