Basic Store robbery script using ox_lib and ox_inventory

Hi . the title kinda says its all i hope you enjoy, raise issues in the github please and if you wanna make it better please make your awesome prs

Warning, some of the polyzones are wonky, if you come across one please make a pr for it.

there is a more detailed list of dependencies on the github, including one for @Linden job count
features include

First store robbery script -item requirements

-global timer

-random item rewards

-ox_lib skillcheck on the cash register

-entirely using target system

-voltlab hack for safes

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) around 900?
Requirements ox_lib, ox_inventory, jobcheck, ultra-volthack, ox_target
Support Kinda, please use the github!
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)

thanks for the free script

Where can i download the ultra-volthack and where do i put the jobcheck thing in ?

+1, any idea @Testaross?

Hello, could you tell me all the scripts needed to rob a store? Or add them to the same script “ostorerobbery” because it doesn’t allow me to rob stores.

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how to add police notify or alert when robbing shop? Or what to use to work with this script???