Basic Nui React JS Script Template

Basic Nui React JS


GitHub Repository


This script is a basic and essential implementation for creating a Native User Interface (NUI) in FiveM. It provides the foundation for integrating web-based UI elements seamlessly into your FiveM server.


  • Simple and lightweight implementation

  • Easy to customize and extend

  • Well-documented code for better understanding REQUIREMENTS

  • Node > v10.6

A basic understanding of React JS, If you don’t understand it, React may not be for you yet.


  1. Download the basicNuiReact folder.
  2. Place the basicNuiReact folder in your FiveM server’s resources directory.
  3. Add start basicNuiReact to your server.cfg file. or use refresh, and start basicNuiReact in the server console
  4. If you chose to add that line to your server.cfg, Restart your FiveM server.


inside the game you can write in the chat /show-ui, and the website will be shown on the screen

  • In order to modify the website in react, within visual studio code, for example, you will have to modify the src components, and once you have everything prepared, you will only have to write this in a terminal:

cd web
npm run build

  • and then restart the server, or use the refresh command, and restart basicNuiReact in the server console


GitHub Repository


  • typing show-ui in the chat, our website will appear. Screenshot 01
  • by pressing the ESC key, it will stop showing our website Screenshot 01
