Basic key & commands [STANDALONE]


Introducing the REDM - Basic Key & Commands script, your go-to solution for essential RedM server functionalities! This standalone script offers a variety of basic features like pointing, raising hands, proper ragdolling, and more, all with fully configurable keybindings. Plus, it includes handy commands like /me, /do, and /random, making it a must-have for any server.

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Key Features:

  • :point_right: Pointing: Enable or disable the ability to point with a fully configurable key.
  • :raised_hands: Hands Up: Raise your hands with a simple key press, customizable to fit your needs.
  • :person_cartwheeling: Ragdoll: Trigger ragdoll with a configurable key and set the time between actions to ensure proper cooldowns.
  • :speech_balloon: Commands: Includes /me, /do, and /random commands with customizable display times and text above the player’s head.
  • :earth_africa: Multilingual Support: Available in English, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, and Italian.
  • :art: Customizable Text: Modify the color and font of text that appears above players’ heads to match your server’s style.

Configuration Options:

Here are some of the key configuration options available:

  • ConfigBasics.Locale = 'English' – Set the language of the script.
  • ConfigBasics.Pointing.enable = true – Enable or disable the pointing feature.
  • ConfigBasics.Handup.enable = true – Enable or disable the handup feature.
  • ConfigBasics.Ragdoll.enable = true – Enable or disable the ragdoll feature and set the cooldown time between actions.
  • ConfigBasics.cmdMe.enable = true – Enable or disable the /me command and set the display duration.
  • ConfigBasics.cmdDo.enable = true – Enable or disable the /do command and set the display duration.
  • ConfigBasics.cmdRandom.enable = true – Enable or disable the /random command and set the display duration.
  • ConfigBasics.textAboveHeadColors – Customize the color of the text that appears above players’ heads.
  • ConfigBasics.textAboveHeadFont = 1 – Choose the font for the text that appears above players’ heads.


  • No, it’s standalone

[FiveM Asset Escrow System]
Script is protected using Cfx’s Asset Escrow system.

Unencrypted Files:

  • config.lua

:shopping_cart:How to Get It:

To purchase and download the script, visit our Tebex store and complete your purchase. Detailed instructions and support will be provided to ensure you can easily integrate the script into your server.

:shopping_cart: Buy This Script on Tebex

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No (but subscription aviable)
Lines (approximately) ~350
Requirements No, It’s Standalone
Support Yes, with free modifications
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