Base Server w/ All 3 Thread Hitch Warnings?

I am at a loss.

Some information:
I am using a VPS hosted by OVH.
I have tried game builds 6426, 6230, and 1-2 others trying to see if I was just unlucky and the download was bugged or it was a bad update? idk.

I downloaded one of the most recent server artifacts did that whole process of installing through txadmin that I have done 10+ times.
Currently using 6426.
However, I am getting a TON of Thread Hitch Warnings… All 3 (Server, Sync, Network.)
All ports have been opened as I have always done.

I can connect to the server, it runs… okay. But the hitching is a major issue and it shows.
I cant figure out how a BASE server, with literally zero extra resources could be hitching.

I believe this is a problem outside of FiveM and its related to my VPS or some obscure settings.

It may be worth noting that I am using Windows Server 2022 and I previously had always used 2019. Dont know if there are any changes there, but I would be extremely grateful for any insight into this.

I have read what feels like every post relating to hitching, but always happy to read. Just want it to be known that I have spent time trying to figure this out on my own and came up short.
Thank you in advance.


could i possibly know what how much ram is installed also the percents they are both running at as this could be due to resources that arnt optimised well or server caching its pretty much trial and error with this.

Thanks for the reply,
The VPS has 16gb of ram, running nothing over 15 percent at anytime.
The issue ended up being simple windows updates… My “server” was literally a base CFX server with no resources at all. Makes no sense to add anything if issues are already occurring at base install.

what server artifacts are you using?

6426, i tried a few different ones. This specific build I knew worked perfectly so thats why I was so confused.

Exclude the Folder for the whole fxserver in Windows Defender!