Not to understand, I’m with my server 2 days in a row offline for the reason that he just suddenly started to consume all my RAM memory, I’m looking for support and can only say that it’s a memory stealing resource, I’ve been trying for 2 days solve my problem and now I will enter the server test and I come across this, it is not possible can only be a joke, I give up FiveM!
You are not banned from your own server, you are banned from the FiveM network for cheating. This is a global ban which means you can’t access any online server while being banned
This ban is labeled cheating which means you either used cheats or used any program/plugins which inject into your FiveM, we on the forums can’t assist with this ban.
I’ll try to contact, in discord everyone treated like a cheater or something of the genre, what would be the sense of using some cheating on my own server if I have the power to do whatever I want in there? has not felt, in the end I’m suffering with the memory leak and I’m trying to find out the reason, backing up and deactivating everything and testing and I get a fivem ban, really this is too frustrating, only thing I did was a stress test on the server “spawning a jet and exploding all NPCs in the city” and doing the verification of the use of ram memory, I’ll use my other account with GTA. Thank you!
they probably treated you like a cheater because you cheated. If you inject mods/troll menus you will be banned.
From this I think its safe to conclude you were using a mod/troll menu. No legitimate menu includes these features.