Banking | Works with RedEM | Unfinished project

Hello guys!

So I was working on a redm server then FiveM decided it wanted to take over my life so lost the time to carry on.

In the time i was trying stuff out i made a functional bank with the worlds most putrid UI…

I now have no use for it but its works as it should! Tried and tested with no issues! (Although transfer wasn’t tested)

You can Withdraw / Deposit / Take quick $100 / and a few other things.

This is UNFINISHED and for you to have a base to work with, its nothing special and initially a port of Simple Banking from way back in 2017.

As I did this when RedM just opened it’s doors we had no way to draw a marker then press E to open etc so currently to open the UI here are your commands:

RegisterCommand("bank", function(source, args, raw)

RegisterCommand("fuck", function(source, args, raw)

/bank - will open the bank UI.
/fuck - will close the UI if you have issues closing the UI.

Once my RedM updates I will get some screenshots etc.

Enjoy and show me your work when you’ve made it your own <3

Feel free to PR <3


Epic command for closing the UI lol.

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Everytime I got caught up in the UI that was my reaction so seemed worthy to be a command :rofl:

If you’d like I can work on this and send you one with a marker for a bank but you’d have to add individual locations yourself for all the banks if you’d like to have them all in a release.

Here you go just add this

  {name="Bank", id=108, x=-281.55, y=780.72, z=119.53},

-- Display Map Blips

    while true do
    local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
    local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
    if GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, -281.55, 780.72, 119.53, true) < 2.0 then
      DrawTxt('Press ~e~DEL~q~ to Access Bank', 0.50, 0.90, 0.7, 0.7, true, 255, 255, 255, 255, true)
      if IsControlJustPressed(2, 0x4AF4D473) and not already then
       --- Open Bank

function DrawTxt(str, x, y, w, h, enableShadow, col1, col2, col3, a, centre)
    local str = CreateVarString(10, "LITERAL_STRING", str)
    SetTextScale(w, h)
    SetTextColor(math.floor(col1), math.floor(col2), math.floor(col3), math.floor(a))
    if enableShadow then SetTextDropshadow(1, 0, 0, 0, 255) end
  Citizen.InvokeNative(0xADA9255D, 1);
    DisplayText(str, x, y)

I’ll get it on gothub so you can PR :grin::grin:

Now on GitHub :slight_smile: see description

Im having trouble getting this working. I keep seeing this in the server consol

Warning: Resource tp-banking is not using CitizenFXv2 manifest. This is not allowed for the current game (rdr3).
Couldn’t start resource tp-banking.

Any suggestions?

_resource.lua is no longer how manifests work, you need to create an fxmanifest.lua

still works well for us, I see no reason to switch at this time.

If you look at the error he received it’s pertaining to his manifest.

Ok I have very little knowledge of scripting so anyone have an example fxmanifest.lua and can tell me what I need to do with it?

I tried making one using one I found on github but no idea where to put it or if it will do what I need it to do. Thanks in advance for the help.

fxmanifest.lua (548 Bytes) because im noob too but i know paste well xD

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If I tried to implement this to FiveM would it work if I replaced with the right ATM coords?

I’m trying to avoid ESX and custom script my server.

do you know how I would get this to actually running my server plz

is it possible to make this only work in certant areas like bank tellers

Where did you add this to make it to where they can only use banks at the bank? Client side ? Did you replace anything or just add this