Hello guys!
So I was working on a redm server then FiveM decided it wanted to take over my life so lost the time to carry on.
In the time i was trying stuff out i made a functional bank with the worlds most putrid UI…
I now have no use for it but its works as it should! Tried and tested with no issues! (Although transfer wasn’t tested)
You can Withdraw / Deposit / Take quick $100 / and a few other things.
This is UNFINISHED and for you to have a base to work with, its nothing special and initially a port of Simple Banking from way back in 2017.
As I did this when RedM just opened it’s doors we had no way to draw a marker then press E to open etc so currently to open the UI here are your commands:
RegisterCommand("bank", function(source, args, raw)
RegisterCommand("fuck", function(source, args, raw)
/bank - will open the bank UI.
/fuck - will close the UI if you have issues closing the UI.
Once my RedM updates I will get some screenshots etc.
Enjoy and show me your work when you’ve made it your own <3
Feel free to PR <3