Bank Heists for RedM

BGS Bankheist

A bankheist system for RedM servers featuring animated base game mechanics for safecracking and vault interaction!

Fully animated and immersive!

Features dial turning mechanics and animations taken from the base game safecracking sequences, including crouching down to the dials, turning them, counting the cracked numbers, and opening the vault doors - all fully animated and synced.

The sequence of events is as follows:

  • Walk up to a bank door open it with an “ornate key” object
  • Walk up to the vault door, blow it with dynamite
  • Then walk up to the safe vaults and start cracking!

All happens via prompt - features an exit prompt, as well, if you just can’t figure out the cracking mechanics :wink:

Features bank heists for the following banks:

  • Annesburg
  • Blackwater
  • Rhodes
  • Saint Denis
  • Valentine

Also features a completely configurable loot table, as well as a SPECIAL loot table for rare items with configurable drop rates. Loot is configurable PER safe type (small, medium, or large)!

ALSO features the explosive bank exit in Saint Denis - blast your way through the wall and escape with your heisting party, fully synced and animated for all players!

Compatible with RSG Core and VORP Core.

PRICE: $60



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 2000
Requirements VORP or RSG
Support Yes