Ban by steamid

Last night one guy use hacks on my rp server and didnt come again. i want to ban his steamid. but i cant find proper solution

Get a script that logs player connections?

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I have yours script xD but cant find to where can i perma ban him

in the firs place you shouldnt ban him by the steam id, as he can just log in on a aother steam account and be back in 2 min, you should either ban hes ip or atleast GTA id. im not sure how some servers do that but hope you get help and not have to deal whit hackers

Edit> you could also if and when banning by steam id have a security thing that only allow steam accounts that have been created over 3 months ago or so, but that might be a problem for getting new people on the server, i will update my post if i can find anything that could help you

Edit 2> this could help you>