B.John Studios Advancd 911 Script (FiveM Ready) V2.0

B.John Studios Advanced 911 Script

INFO and commands
This is a Advanced FiveM 911 script that allows for leo / dispatch to go on duty and receive 911 calls and caller proximity, which is ace perm restircted

Download Link: GitHub - BJohnStudos2020/BJS-911-Advanced: B.John Studios Advanced 911 Script

  • To go On or Off Duty you will need to go to either the LEO or EMS / FIRE Blips on your in game map which will let you go on on or off duty.

  • /911 [message] Will send a 911 call to the leo with the message provided, location and caller name.

    If there is no LEO on the server no one can send a 911 call in

    If there is a Dispatcher on then the dispatcher will receive the 911 call only

    If there is no Dispatch on then all LEO OnDuty will receive the 911 call


Add These to you server.cfg these need to be in for the script to work

ensure BJS-911-Advanced

add_ace group.leo group.bjsleo allow
add_ace group.leo command.bjsleo allow

You will need to adujst the config file to the required vector3 coordinates that your server uses.


Config = {
    server_name = 'Enter Server Name', -- Change this to your server name if your wanting to
    prefix911 = "^4[911] ^3",
    prefixduty = "^4[BJS-Duty] ^3",
    blip_remove_time = 180000, -- This is the time in millerseconds that is will take for the 911 blip to go away
    perms = false,    -- Change this to true if your using in game ace_perms
    script_name = 'BJS-911-Advanced',

    -- Adjust Coordinates as needed
    PD_Locations = {
        vector3(1859.106, 3693.682, 34.267), -- Sandy Shores
        vector3(1690.548, 4855.421, 42.296),  -- Grapeseed
        vector3(-439.000, 6011.489, 36.996),  -- Paleto Bay
        vector3(-3058.196, 632.981, 7.493),  -- Cumash 
        vector3(-1620.437, -1020.492, 13.162),  -- Delperro 1
        vector3(-1084.548, -828.643, 15.646), -- Delperro 2
        vector3(-568.455, -114.797, 33.877), -- Rockford
        vector3(602.208, -4.712, 87.817), -- Vinewood 
        vector3(462.699, -996.549, 30.690), -- Mission Row 
        vector3(368.562, -1602.715, 29.292), -- Davis PD
        vector3(1539.147, 810.714, 77.656) -- Highway
    EMS_Locations = {
        vector3(-367.835, 6104.745, 31.404), -- Paleto
        vector3(1680.963, 3598.000, 35.595), -- Sandy
        vector3(1214.859, -1475.029, 35.074), -- Elrancho FD
        vector3(206.640, -1652.395, 34.200), -- Davis
        vector3(-1220.262, -1411.605, 8.339) -- Delperro




Postal Resources by BlockBa5her

Postals Link - [Release] Nearest Postal Script