AZSTATERP | Looking for Staff | SERIOUSRP | High Positions Available | Server Sided ELS | CAD SYSTEM | CLICK TO READ MORE |

AZSTATERP offers applications for the Police Department, Sheriffs Department, Fire & EMS, Admin positions, and developer positions. We are a new community and are hosting in the sweet, but HOT Arizona. We use Discord for RTO and pretty much everything else(Arizona State Roleplay). We are currently in the developing stage of our server and we are expecting to have it up by 11/20/18. We have high positions available like admins, supervisors, and department heads for the CHP and LSPD. We now are using OpenCAD for our CAD systems and if you’re looking to get access before the server starts, head here If you’re looking to see if we have our server up before the release or even after, just look up “AZSTATERP” in the search bar. If it’s not there, then we probably don’t have it up. If it is, then have fun and enjoy.

Directors: Kermit The Frog, and Arvie-Hydra
Developers: Auria
Admins: AWP_Horizon, Auria

^^^^Heres a couple of photos from the start of our roster!^^^^

Special thanks to the directors for making this server possible and to Auria, for hosting the server and expanding the community. :slight_smile: