"Awaiting Scripts"

Problem is that hello guys, i got this problem recently basiclly all it is server runs as normaly after laoding screen loads scrips bla bla bla
and at the end after everything loads on the “bridge screen” im stuck at AWAITING SCRIPTS i tried delletic cache.xml file server cache
tried new server.cfg it only works if i dont put any scripts in it after i upload couple it just gets stuck again on the AWAITING SCRIPTS thing
anyone got suggestions or maybe experienced same thing?

I expericenced the same thing as you but i found out it was a script i was using called Zancudo ( just removing jets peds props etc. ) but after i got rid of that it started working again and i could load in completly… try removing 1 script at a time untill you find it.

I tried it but i guess ill do it again, btw do i have remove a script from server.cfg file and also from resources folder or just from one of them?

No files

neither any files in this direction download and im stil stuck at “awaiting scripts” what the hell is going on

What the hell? uhm? just delete that then reinstall it again… i dont even kno how to help u if ur biggg stuck like that

just got it done after hour of work with this, basiclly i added scripts one by one into the config file not it works i have no idea how that fixed it but yeah…

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