Automatic Danger Recording | [ESX + QBCore + Standalone]


SHOWCASE (Youtube link)

Automatic Danger Recorder allows players to stop relying on external video captures for roleplaying, eliminating concerns about losing evidence in the event of RDM or VDM incidents. The script automatically captures scenarios where players could be in danger, such as getting injured, getting shot at, falling, or drowning. The script features client-based settings, allowing each player to adjust when the script should start recording with just a few clicks!

Main Features:

  • Standalone Functionality (no framework is necessary)
  • Settings are customizable by players
  • Ability to add custom events to trigger recording
  • Extremely optimized (0.00-0.01 ms)
  • Footage is recorded by the in-built Rockstar Editor
  • Recording key binds are customizable through GTA settings
  • Script provides a reason for recording according to the enabled setting



  • How does the script know when to record?

    • The script checks the events that the player has enabled through settings and proceeds accordingly.
  • What software is the script using to record?

    • It uses an in-built Rockstar Editor to capture gameplay clips.
  • How can I export the video captured?

    • Head over to Rockstar Editor, find the captured clip, edit it to your liking, and export it!

Check out our other scripts!

Code accessible Yes
Subscription No
Lines 1000+
Requirements No
Support No/Basic Help

Hmm, seems god, but only problem i see is locked assets, most people are using them nowdays, and r* editor doesnt work with them

You need to include the template for releases.

Added it, thanks :slight_smile:

The script creates and saves the clip to Rockstar Editor it does not matter that the script is encrypted.

What I mean is if you have locked cars or clothing then you crash when opening rockstar editor

There is no need to cache player data or run loops to check states. You could just use low-level game events that are directly embedded in the FiveM framework.
I am very glad that you realized that it is not worth the money that you originally expected for it.

Still, the best example of implementing this logic would be this code, with the exception of the UI, which I did not see the need for: [FREE] Automatic Danger Recorder - Whbl

Hey, thank you for taking inspiration from me and making your own version of this idea. While your approach to the core logic of the script is more efficient than mine, it does not matter as both of our scripts run at the same resmon of 0.00-0.01ms.

Additionally, Low-level game events do not encompass all the dangerous scenarios a player could get into, hence losing customizability.

Your script is missing a crucial step - user-based settings. Some players do not want their gameplay to be constantly recorded, while others do. Your script does not provide that functionality.

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I am glad that you are sympathetic to this.

I do not agree with this, since it is possible to combine several low-level game events to get one result or another.

User settings can also be implemented via hotkeys in the game settings or commands. But to be honest, I don’t see the need to give the player the opportunity to configure this except for the resource administrator.
But as I emphasized, if there is a need for a user interface, then your implementation looks better with the exception of the code base.