Automatic completion

A automatic completion for example when you have the command


that you can type /givew and then press tab or something for the completion. I am pretty sure that only FiveM can do that, because it would wonder me If I can script that in Lua.
If you want this feature too, you know what to do :slight_smile:
Take a :hamburger: and have a really nice day! :wink:

This could be put in the suggestions events maybe, so you could press tab x amount of times to scroll and complete commands in the suggestions box…

Sorry, I do not know what a suggestion box is…
Could you explain that? :sweat_smile:
I am not native english…

Is default on the chat resource. if I did /s it could come up with a group of commands starting with s. An auto fill in would be nice with this / is a good idea.

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Ok @FiveM could you guys explain why I can vote for myself??? :joy::joy:
Ok I guess I didn’t need to use this :grinning:
Take a :hamburger:

Lol. That account is a fake :smiley: No user called FiveM. Anyway. Cause you have an idea, why not be able to vote for it?

Because it is my requests? :joy:
It should be a thing when I make a requests but didn’t vote for it … So I don’t understand why I need to press vote when I created it xD

@FAXES, I have seen and used multiple of your resources, Could you please help me with this ^^

I see you are very familiar with code. Could you please go through the steps on how I can edit my suggestion events so if I press e.g /en and the VERY first suggestion that pops up is /engine, I can press tab and it will auto fill with that command. Thanks