Auction Map
Hello, myself OctaFlick. I am learning 3D Designing and have made a basic map in the Vinewood Bowl with my friends and their Ideas combined . Our Original intentions were to make this map for our server but decided to release it.
Credits -
@OctaFlick (Banner and Final Map)
@BluArian (Stage Ramp)
@vedendersingh1822 (Foundation)
@Nullvalue (Initial Idea & Map)
What does it Consist of ?
- Custom Ramp to showcase Cars
- Custom Banner to advertise
- Replaced Benches and Lamplights
- Lights at Entry and other places
You are Free to Edit the Map but inform prior through Direct Message
octa_bowlmap.rar (722.4 KB)
Code is accessible | Yes |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | N/A |
Requirements | N/A |
Support | Yes |