Auction Map at Vinewood Bowl

Auction Map

Hello, myself OctaFlick. I am learning 3D Designing and have made a basic map in the Vinewood Bowl with my friends and their Ideas combined . Our Original intentions were to make this map for our server but decided to release it.
Credits -
@OctaFlick (Banner and Final Map)
@BluArian (Stage Ramp)
@vedendersingh1822 (Foundation)
@Nullvalue (Initial Idea & Map)

What does it Consist of ?

  1. Custom Ramp to showcase Cars
  2. Custom Banner to advertise
  3. Replaced Benches and Lamplights
  4. Lights at Entry and other places



You are Free to Edit the Map but inform prior through Direct Message

octa_bowlmap.rar (722.4 KB)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

there’s no way to drive a car up there . what good is a custom ramp if you have to spawn a vehicle on it?
I like it but it def needs some improvements

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I have addressed that issue earlier , people can still use teleporters or spawn vehicles , will try to fix it in the next versoin

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