🅰️aty_pausemenu | Advanced Pause Menu | Modern | Free



  • Unique Design.
  • Create multiple tabs with in the config.
  • See your characters stats.



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 500
Requirements QBCore - ESX
Support Yes

nice work

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Is it not possible to have the map open completely when pressing the map thingie. I know some pause menus have done that but most dont. The menu itself looks stunning I just annoy myself at having to press that one extra time haha

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Sure, we can do that for you if you can contact us after buying it.

Script is now free.

The ‘‘exit’’ not work

nice work bro

the exit is not working

Very nice release at first point.
I tested it yesterday and really like it.
But what i found out is that you can prevent fall damage if you open and close the menu 1 time.

Is there any prevention exept trowing out the Ped positioning and camera positioning ?

In client.lua, comment out the freezeentityposition line

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kk ty !

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Did you find out how to fix that? Having the same issue…

@atydev really nice pause-menu thanks for this free resource, I have one question, how to change the text under “You”, i can’t find :man_facepalming:t2::rofl:


If you’re using QB core, make sure you go to the config file and change the esx to qb

go to index.html

Can be easily exploited. Just jump from a high distance and press the escape key to open the pause menu. Boom, you will not die from fall damage :slight_smile: