Asset Escrow Script Pack/Individual Scripts

I have created a script pack that I would like to escrow but possibly have each script individually available.

So I have say

  | - core
  | - ind_script
  | -   | - script 1
  | -   | - script 2
  | -   | - script 3

Is it possible to say package core and script 1 into a escorw and then core and script 2 into an escrow. If someone purchases or subscribes to script 1 or script 2 then it’s all good. However, if they sub/buy script 1 and script 2 they only need one version of the core; so they can add both scripts back into the sub-script folder and would it work?

Hey there! Yes, it’s totally possible to set this up the way you described. You can package the core resource with each individual script (core + script 1 or core + script 2) into separate escrows. This way, if someone buys just one script, they get the core included.

If they buy multiple scripts (script 1 and script 2), they only need one version of the core resource. They can just drop both scripts into their server along with the core, and it’ll all work together…

Just make sure core resource is set up to work independently and that the individual scripts rely on it without duplicating anything. Also, clear installation instructions will help users know to install core once and add the scripts they’ve purchased.

That is awesome to hear. I didn’t feel like people should pay for all of my scripts if they only want to use one of them, but they are tied in with the core system. :slight_smile:

I did try setting this up on the server I am developing on but I think my issue was my version is escrowed to me and not the server so naturally it didn’t work.

Do you know if there a way to allow the server I am developing on (that I do not own) to use a free escrowed version apart from everyone else? Mostly for testing purposes.