Apartment/Interior Shells and Coordinates


Does anyone have any links for some good guides/videos that explain how GTA shells work.

I am using QB-Core for the interior/apartment, I have added a custom shell and now are struggling to get the POI cords correct for clothing, exit and stash. I don’t fully understand how the shells are placed in the map for multiple users and how to correctly get the cords for POI. I also don’t understand how the offset works for the cords.


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If you go into a house once your inside that interior you added with /createhouse
Press and Hold F1
there you will find house interactions and can then add in locations for all of what your wanting clothing, log off, and stash is all setup using the F1 Wheel menu. Each player that buys a house for instance can go in and set and add locations to there own choosing… As for the Starting Apartment that is not the same.
I am currently working on the same thing right now myself. If you have any specific details on anything feel free to reach out anytime. I work with qb-core daily. Download resource below just drag an drop in resources and start it in server.cfg go in game and you can spawn into any interior you need offsets for and it will give you offsets for that exact interior cords


Too note fully understand the frustration it took me around a month to figure it out myself and I’ve only just now figured it out.