Anyone know the pickup model name for this pickup from GTA Online?

As you can see its one of the pickups from the business battles and gunrunning missions. I’ve looked everywhere for this pickup model’s hash/pickup model name but can’t seem to find anything, even the gta 5 update dumps. The object model for this pickup is “ba_prop_battle_rsply_crate_gr_02a” but this is the model hash for the object of the pickup, not the pickup hash itself. If there is a native to return the pickup hash of an object or someone themselves knows the name of pickup model could you please let me know? Thank you

You’re a little confused on the whole hash thing there.


This is not a hash, this is the model name. You can retrieve the hash by using the GetHashKey native. Also, pickup hash only specifies what the pickup contains. A list of pickup hashes is here: GTA V Pickup Hash enum -

Use this native to create pickups.

The modelHash parameter would be the hash of the model name.

local modelHash= GetHashKey("ba_prop_battle_rsply_crate_gr_02a")

Ahh, I did that before but it did not work (replacing the modelHash parameter with GetHashKey(“ba_prop_battle_rsply_crate_gr_02a”)) but the problem was that I did not request the model of the object itself therefore it wouldn’t even load! For the pickuphash I used GetHashKey(“PICKUP_CUSTOM_SCRIPT”) and it worked! Thank you