Any specific required thing to do when working with server scripts in C#?

Hey there. I have an issue where I cannot make my client and server scripts talk together or even make the server script run. I have added the server script into a folder called server, and set its path in the __resource.lua, with my client script I have put that into the client folder and also referenced its path in the resource file. When I start the script only the client script code is run.

Problem is the code in the server script is never ran, and I have no clue why. So my question is if you have to do something specific to make the server script code run?

My server script:

using System;
using CitizenFX.Core;
//using CitizenFX;
//using CitizenFX.Core.Native;

namespace Economy
    public class Economy : BaseScript
        private Economy()

My __resource.lua file:

resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937'

client_scripts {

server_scripts {

Private constructor?

Welp that’s embarrassing. My apologies for being blind c: