Any good death script available

Are there any good death scripts available which keep the player on the place they died for a certain amount of time? The ones I have found so far either don’t work, or cause an error in chat every time I run them, which doesn’t look very good.
If someone manages to make one, full credit will be given.
Thanks in advance

You might have just set them up incorrectly. Create a reply on the resources topic with your error.

I have my own death script but its not 100% done yet. It needs some delays on /revive then its pretty much done.

It was the death timer script, and it wasn’t modified whatsoever, I will re-install it and put the error, thanks!

As long as it has a timer, /revive isn’t really needed at the moment if you don’t mind me using it

It doesnt. Im gonna try to finish it today. Btw, Where do you want a timer? And is it for ESX or Vrp?

Me and my buddy agreed not to use ESX and I am also not experienced with VRP. Is that just a plain server with no economy or what? I will screenshot the current mod list for you to see.

Ok, What kinda timer are you looking for? (On the death script)

I’ll message you privately

Do you still have that plugin? I would love to have it on my server! How long is the timer you set after you /revive because if it 300 seconds then it probably isn’t what im looking for though

I don’t wan’t to give it out since it was probaly taken down for a reason and I respect that.

Oh okay thats fine