:warning: Information

Script for preventing some FailRP

:hammer_and_wrench: Features

  • Speed limit for all cars
  • Emergency Class vehicles can have a higher speed limit
  • Anti VDM
  • Disable Vehicle Weapons
  • Everything is customizable in the config.lua

:inbox_tray: Download

Download via Github

:gear: How to install

  1. Add the AntiFailRP folder to your FiveM resources directory.
  2. Edit your server.cfg and add “ensure AntiFailRP

If you have any issues or suggestions please put them below.


WoW can you please tell me the definition of roleplay bud


Hello for the anti-weapon in vehicles it works well depending on the vehicle but for some it doesn’t work as for the paragon2 after I haven’t yet tested all the armed vehicles


I will fix it, Thanks


nvm learn the definition of roleplay this script has nothing to do with failRP

It does… Unless you don’t consider vehicles with weapons and vdm failrp?

I don’t think the disable vehicle weapons works.

Think you need to wind your neck in. You are clearly very narrow minded. FailRP has a very broad definition and varies significantly between servers, games, communities etc.

Any one of the variables in the OPs resource could be cause to call failure of role play.


I totally agree, maybe the OP can rename it anti Power Gaming so so hahaha

Are you using the latest version?

I understand what Dr. WalterWhite is saying, but i do not fully agree with him.

In RP exceeding speed limits, killing people with a vehicle and using vehicle weapons are all possible. What you try to reach is blocking the stupid kids from doing stupid things with it, but good RP’ers are able to use 400kmph, VDM in a good way.

My suggestion is to add a “new player” tag option to make all your options available for new players only.

It’s a decent script, and works well in most cases.
Our server is not whitelisted and so people join just to fuck around and cause chaos.

One issue I do have is that this script only works for cars that are stock.
I spawned in a stock version of a car I own and it works perfect, if I get the upgraded version out of my garage it beats the system.

Possible fix? not too sure here.

Are you using esx?

We’re not. It’s a custom framework.
Looking through the code, there didn’t seem to be any dependencies in it needing ESX I could be wrong know, I’m just a noob at dev stuff :joy:

It’s a standalone script, Could you send me a video or something of whats not working?

very good resource

Great job man was looking for something like this!