Anti Meta-Gaming

Snti Meta-Gaming



Introducing a unique FiveM script that enforces server access based on Discord voice channel participation. This script actively monitors each player every minute, ensuring they remain in a designated voice channel. If a player leaves the channel, they will be promptly removed from the server.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 70
Requirements Requirements
Support Yes

Can you add a web camera functionality so I can track my player’s face during RP.



Give me your opinion! :speech_balloon:

Why Discord? Change this to TeamSpeak so is it useless!


i’m sorry but who uses teamspeak for a fivem server in 2024?


Only the real ones.


I think this is good and all, but what if the person playing wants to be in a voice call with a freind playing a seperate game, and freind two wants to still be playing on a server?

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its possible to add this only for X “job” or "X"users ?

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This is a meta gaming

Greate idea, next update

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Meta gaming is using external information & both users being in the server & in a vc (Both parties) what if they want to be in a call with someone playing a different game and doesnt play the server…?

This resource doesn’t stop any metagaming, you could just text someone meta knowledge, which is probably faster/more straightforward to do.

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bro’s acting like this is samp

A Teamspeak intigration would have no added value for META GAMING, because the players could then continue to meta via Discord

I think you guys have mistaken my reply as serious. :rofl:

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Can we add category with 6 voice channels. With this script?

I cannot seem to get this working… I’ve inputted the ServerID, Bot Token and VC Channel id however it’s acting as though I’m still not in it when I am?