Anti AFK Captcha

Anti AFK Captcha Script

Features :

  • Standalone Script with all Frameworks support (ESX/ QBCore and Others)
  • Most of the checking is done server side to avoid cheats
  • Distance Based system so it detects if player is moving from one place to another over a certain period.
  • Permission System to avoid kicking staff.
  • Configurable Retry amounts and how many captchas before they get kicked
  • Logged in Check for false positives

Showcase & Purchase :

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200~
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes

You are seling a resources wich is already free ? :slight_smile:


Incorrect. I am selling a resource which I made myself.

Don’t take this the wrong way, if your resource is using ~200 lines of code it’s either poorly developed or has way too much bloat. The below does in 41 lines what you have done in 200 lines (excluding the fxmanifest.lua file).

But hey, if you get people to pay for something which is simple enough for a beginner to work on then best of luck.


Config = {}

Config.Framework = "esx" -- esx or qbcore ( notificationsystem )
Config.kickWarning = true -- set if player should get a notifcation warning before getting kicked
Config.secondsUntilKick = 120-- How long they can be AFK before they get kicked in seconds
Config.KickedSoonMsg = "You're being kicked in" -- set the Earlynotify text
Config.Notifytreason = "For being afk too long" -- set your notify reason
Config.Notifytime = 5000 -- Set how long the notify has to be displayed in miliseconds
Config.PlayerDroppedmsg = "You were kicked for being afk too long!" -- Set the message players will see in the FiveM menu after getting kicked
Config.EnableWarningSound = true -- set to true or to false to disable/enable a warningsound 


	while true do
		local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
		if playerPed then
			local currentPos = GetEntityCoords(playerPed, true)
			if prevPos and currentPos == prevPos then
				if timeLeft > 0 then
					if Config.kickWarning and timeLeft == math.ceil(Config.secondsUntilKick / 4) then
						if Config.EnableWarningSound then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, "BASE_JUMP_PASSED", "HUD_AWARDS", 0, 1)
						if Config.Framework == "esx" then
							ESX.ShowNotification(Config.KickedSoonMsg .. " " .. timeLeft .. " seconds" .. " (" .. Config.Notifytreason .. ")", Config.Notifytime)
						elseif Config.Framework == "qbcore" then
							TriggerEvent("qb:sendNotification", {text = Config.KickedSoonMsg .. " " .. timeLeft .. " seconds" .. " (" .. Config.Notifytreason .. ")", type = "warning", timeout = Config.Notifytime, layout = "centerLeft", queue = "left"})
					timeLeft = timeLeft - 1 
				timeLeft = Config.secondsUntilKick
			prevPos = currentPos


AddEventHandler("antiafk:server:kick", function()
	DropPlayer(source, Config.PlayerDroppedmsg)

If you can open your eyes properly, the code where the distance check is happening is client side i.e. more resmon. Mine runs at 0.00 resmon.

Secondly, it does not have “captcha”. Which means it will kick people without giving them any warnings or if they are roleplaying as “sitting on a bench”

Thirdly, I have a system where it detects if a player is using “macro” to move around or using any tools which avoids getting AFK kick.

So before you think you are smart, you probably aren’t in 90% cases.

Please provide the link with the above mentioned features *

If someone is not willing to pay, they should not be surfing ‘paid’ section on FiveM. You should be using GitHub to find free scripts.

People purchase scripts to get “support” from creators. And the price for a script is decided upon how long and what quality of support is going to be given. My scripts come with 80% price for support 20% for the actual code.

People who cannot afford paying for someone’s time should not come to any threads to waste someone’s time.

Then just do xPlayer.getCoords and check distance from server??

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that is quite incorrect, it’s not that your resource has “0.00 resmon” it’s just that the calculations are done server sided so the load is given to the server that is (hopefully) better that the client at handling that, so it apperas 0 for the client but you should check it from the server side to see the real value.
Nothing to say abt the resource, everyone is free to do whatever they want just wanted to make sure you knew about this.