Announcements, send and log announcements

P33t Announcement is a standalone announcement resource. It can be modified to your needs just by using the 2 predefined styles or making your own ones. You can switch between the styles just by setting the design variable so no resource restarts needed.

Tebex (2.99$ + tax)


  • 2 predefined styles or make your own
  • possible discord webhook logging
  • optimized
  • customize the design however you want
  • font awesome support
  • discord support
  • promised updates


Restart reminder

And there is space for your own just by adding the css to the index.js file

If you’re selling your resource, please include the following information at the end of your post:

Code is accessible only html folder
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 40 (client + server)
Requirements None, completely standalone
Support Yes
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)
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I have a question will it work with sending announcement from TX Admin also will it work with automatic restart announcement from TX Admin.

There are already many scripts like this with much better UI, i think you should make this open source to make some audiance.

nice work

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Thank you so much :sparkling_heart:

Hey @P33t this us not good to ignore questions. You replied very well to the @waterinmyeyes 's reply but why you ignored mine one?

Hi, my reply to your question is under approval so i need to wait for some moderator to approve it

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It’s because you have used some words that are black listed in Forums. But it’s okay waiting for the reply

Hi there, yes you can link it to txadmin but you would need to find the event that happens after you send the announcement and change it with my event. I’m currently trying to find it so i can post some sort of tutorial on how to do it.

My resource is here because it can be customized by css by adding a design class to the JavaScript and setting the css there so you can have unlimited styles for like normal announcement, restarts, police, EMS, Mechanic and so on without restarts of the resource to change the style so I’m not thinking about making it open source. I don’t know if you meant to make it free or paid. If you meant free, i have some customers that paid for the resource already and i think it will be unfair. And my reason to not make it open source is the fear that it will show up in some fake stores that resell open source leaked scripts

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Thanks sir thanks for the satisfactory response

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No problem at all!

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Change Log 1.0.1

  • added better Discord logging