Animation suggestions [Standalone]


Animation Suggestions is an Standalone FiveM Script which introduces dynamic actions based on your surroundings. This script auto-detects various in-game situations and suggests animations accordingly. Certain animations will even automatically align the player with the object that the player is interacting with.

Being a standalone script, it works without any framework necessary. This means that it will work on ESX, QBCore and any other

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Main features

  • Standalone usage (No framework required!)
  • Seamless start and stop
    • Press one keybind to automatically play the suggested animation
    • Simply start walking off to stop it
  • Many custom detections events
  • Automatic alignment for animations
  • Animations based on props
  • Animations based on location (coordinates)
  • Trigger events upon animation start
  • Spawn props/tools for the animations
  • Synchronised animations between all players
  • Highly customizable
  • Good performance (0.00 - 0.01 @ idle, 0.01-0.03 when stationary and able to perform an animation)

List of events:

  • Idle
    • May be used anywhere. Active after the player has been stationary for 4 or more seconds
  • Lean
    • Leaning when something is directly behind the player (wall, vehicle etc.)
  • Leaning on a bar
    • Leaning forward when something is directly in front the player but not higher up than their chest (bar etc.)
  • Sitting
    • Sitting down when something is located behind the player below their waist (walls, stairs, chairs etc.)
  • Intimidation
    • General intimidation gestures. Active for few seconds after player has been in melee combat
  • Showing pain
    • Shows that the player is hurt. Active when player has below 60% of their health
  • Car inspection
    • Inspects cars engine/trunk. Active when player is looking at an engine bay or trunk which is open
  • Car cheering
    • Cheering/clapping. Active when player is looking at a car performing a burnout or drifting
  • Greeting
    • Waving hello. Active when a player is looking at another player whom he hasn’t greeted before in the last 15 minutes

Specific suggestions:

  • Location specific animations
    • Define an area using coordinates and a radius in which certain animations will be suggested. Useful for places such as clubs, bars, restaurants etc. Add as many as you want
  • Prop specific animations
    • Assign certain animations to props. Sitting on a chair, digging through the trash, drinking a beer etc. You can add as many as you want

Default config


More screenshots






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Our other scripts

:fire:Offroad physics [Standalone]
:fire:Towing & Winching [Standalone, ESX, QBCore]
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Smugglers Heist [ESX+QB]
Drift Smoke [Standalone]
Drift Tires [Standalone, ESX, QB]
Engine Swaps [QB]
Engine Swaps [ESX]
Vehicle RGB Controller (Neon + Headlights) [Standalone]

Code is accessible No/Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 900
Requirements None
Support Yes

will this even automatically detect custom chair models

1 Like

this is really dope! props to the props! hahaha


It allows you to sit on anything, any wall, any stair, rock, box etc. So yes, it will detect custom chairs, but it won’t always align the animation perfectly if the player isn’t aligned perfectly themselves. To have a perfect alignment, you can add the models to the config and set their offsets

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Awesome script!!! Love it!




0.00 - 0.01 @ idle

0.01 - 0.03 when stationary and able to perform an animation

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Can you open up the notification portion of this so we can integrate it with our hud?

is this much different then Tays FiveM Interactions that lets players use props to trigger animations/scenario’s ?

TayMcKenzieNZ/fivem-sucksass: Lets players use nearby ped scenarios (

The props actions are just a small part of this resource. The custom scenarios are what the main point is. Lean on any wall, vehicle. Sit on any wall, box, chair. Intimidate players etc.

The preview video shows some of these “custom” suggestions as well as all the other features of this resource

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bet , might check it out

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I have a question about the script that has been puzzling me for hours. How do you get the vector to a close wall, or the heading away from it? I was thinking that you could send raycasts in different directions and then check the materials, but I think that would be a bit speculative, because you never know where the player is when he presses the button (to prevent dubious animations).

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It works mainly using raycasts and nearby entity detection

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Yeah .35 spikes in resmon… Crazy

When are those occuring and what device are you using? We haven’t seen any values above ~0.05-0.06 at the most intense moments

Edit: obviously if I’m able to recreate this, I will take action to find the issue and fix/optimize it. This shouldn’t be happening, ever

7950x Ryzen

I have tested the script once again. In no instance did the script ever go above 0.05ms. Can you tell me when this occurs. If you have heavily modified the config file, could you provide that?

We are running a stock config, we are running the profiler client side btw.

Where have you been testing it? Were you performing any action, or just idle?