Amnesiac Shop MLO (Smoke Shop) (Customizable) [Paid] [MLO]

Amnesiac Shop MLO - Customizable

Looking for the perfect building for your business in FiveM? Look no further than Amnesiac Shop MLO! This high-quality, attention to detail building is perfect for those looking to sell smoking equipment. The shop is well-stocked with everything you need, and the office in the back includes storage and a computer. Plus, with its excellent optimization, you can be sure that Amnesiac Shop MLO will run smoothly on any server. And, as an added bonus, the interior picture frames can all be changed by yourself, allowing you to personalize your building to your own unique style. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity – visit British Studios today and add Amnesiac Shop MLO to your collection!


  • Unique Props (Rolling Papers, Vapes, Incense etc.)
  • Protection via Asset Escrow
  • Highly Optimised Models (No frame Discrepancy)
  • Customizable Picture Frames to personalize your own Building.
  • Detailed interior
  • Custom Shop MLO replacing the base game Amnesiac Building.

(to reiterate this is easily customizable yourself, we also explain in our Documentation how.)


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Code is accessible Only YTD
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Standalone
Support Yes

Good men, i suggest you to add some footers on walls


Thanks for the suggestion, we actually have already but we filmed the video before doing :slight_smile:


I can’t believe I paid for this…to only be able to change the posters on the wall :frowning:

  • Customizable Picture Frames to personalize your own Building.

We did try to make it clear you are able to customize the picture frames though we would love to hear some feedback on what else you’d like to customize for a future update?

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I do appreciate your response but I did leave feedback… saying you’re able to change the posters…and you’re ONLY able to change the posters are 2 different things…especially if a mlo is titled “customizable”

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