American Made Roleplay | Professional | Custom MLOs | Active PD/FIRE/EMS | Active DEVs | NEW Website | Custom Cars | Apply Today!

American Made Roleplay

Established October 12th, 2021
By First Responders, For First Responders

American Made RP is a fast growing roleplay community, each administrator in our community is either a certified Law Enforcement Officer, Firefighter, 911 Dispatcher, or a vital member of our nations Military. We welcome you to join us, we are freshly opened as of 10/26/2021! We hope to see you on the streets of San Andreas!

Check out our website, join our discord, send in an application! Follow our Social Media, you do NOT want to miss out on this community!

Discord: Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & GamesFIVE 1|690x388

Everyone watch out for this community they are going to other servers and poaching members and sending invites to there members just a community warning.

Please send discord names/ID’s so we can handle these issues accordingly. We do NOT condone poaching of any members! Thank you