Amazing experince

First Off . I would like to say I made alot of friends here in this server ,and I will miss you all Thanks for the fun memories. i would like to warn the new players and already joined players that i have proof and evidence That he scams and actually steals scripts he begs his community for money for a ddos program and never adds one. i have voice recording that someone sent me of the proof This owner will belittle you gaslight you promise you things and never deliver Giantpanda runs his community in fear and and people hate him but wont say it to his face as they don’t want to stop playing with friends Token you earn he will not let you buy things with innless you spend actual money or he will ignore your purchase i also have video and voice proof of him saying this to someone He redoes his server every 3 months cuz he doesn’t know how to fix the server he brakes and then takes away things from people they spent money on cars going for 250$ 500$ on houses and businesses its such a shame someone like him treats his community with such disrespect its sad but what do you expect from a 28year old money hungry dictator gaslighting boy .i will be making a video with a lot more then what was said video proof of everything save your self the trouble and find a different place to play.


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