All Call for LEO script

I am looking for a script that will allow server staff to conduct an all call for LEOs, when there isn’t enough LEO on they can just do /allcall and it will send a message out for telling the LEOs that are in game that they need to go on duty.

Hope this works!


local password = 'Bodago1'
RegisterCommand('allcall', function(source, args, rawCommand)
	if args[1] ~= password then
		TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', source, {args={'Me', 'Incorrect Password'}})
		TriggerClientEvent('chat:addMessage', -1, {args={'LEO Command', 'All Law Enforcement in-game need to be on-duty.'}})
end, false)
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We will see how it works! Thank you

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Your welcome!