Aim logs-Discord Bot

Hello guys, I try to make an aim logs bot but I stuck at a point. I am printing right the:
Dimitris11 aiming but I can not print the name of the player in scope.I can get only the entity of the user in scope with the targetPed. Also, it prints at discord 5 times the same aiming, how can I also stop it from spam printing? Thank you for your time!

The code until now (lua) is here:

Citizen.CreateThread(function() – Creates thread
while true do
local aiming, targetPed = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1))
local id = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
if aiming then
if DoesEntityExist(targetPed) and IsEntityAPed(targetPed) then
TriggerServerEvent(‘aimlogs:playeraim’, id… ’ aiming ')
end – end if DoesEntityExist
end – end if aiming
end – end while

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Hey there,

first things first: You don’t need comments like -- end if DoesEntityExist if you indent your lines. It will be way more easy to read:

Citizen.CreateThread(function() --Creates thread
  while true do
    local aiming, targetPed = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1))
    local id = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
    if aiming then
      if DoesEntityExist(targetPed) and IsEntityAPed(targetPed) then
        TriggerServerEvent('aimlogs:playeraim', id… ' aiming')
      end – end if DoesEntityExist
    end – end if aiming
  end – end while

So, as to the problems:

First off I’m not an experienced coder so whatever I post here might not actually be a good idea. If you think that, just post that.

It is going to print very quickly since you run this on a Wait(1) which is pretty quick. Your code should be able to survive a Wait(50) which would also be more performant friendly.
Now another option would be:
You want to display only once every time the player aims at another person. You could do it like this: Behind the line “TriggerServerEvent” add the following code:

while GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1)) == targetPed do

It could look like this:

Citizen.CreateThread(function() --Creates thread
  while true do
    local aiming, targetPed = GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1))
    local id = GetPlayerName(PlayerId())
    if aiming then
      if DoesEntityExist(targetPed) and IsEntityAPed(targetPed) then
        TriggerServerEvent('aimlogs:playeraim', id… ' aiming')
        while GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1)) == targetPed do
      end – end if DoesEntityExist
    end – end if aiming
  end – end while

As for the name of the player in scope:
Currently there is no code at all in order to print the target ped. Now you need to do a few other checks:

First is the native IsPedAPlayer(targetPed). You will not get a proper name if the entity you aim at is not a player. You can then choose: Do you want to print every single time your player is aiming at an NPC?

No matter the answer of this question, we need to add a check behind the checks whether the target is actually a ped:

if IsPedAPlayer(targetPed) then
  -- get the players' name
  TriggerServerEvent('aimlogs:playeraim', id… ' aiming')
  while GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1)) == targetPed do
  TriggerServerEvent('aimlogs:playeraim', id… ' aiming at an NPC.')
  while GetEntityPlayerIsFreeAimingAt(PlayerId(-1)) == targetPed do

Getting the players’ name will actually be a problem. You wanna use GetPlayerName() native however you will need the Player ID for this.
You could try using the native NetworkGetPlayerIndexFromPed(targetPed) to see if this returns you the player index. Otherwise I’d have to check whether I already did something like this.

If you got the playername, it will be easy to get it into the log-bot. Do it the same way as you already did for your name, using id ... 'aiming at ' ... target.

Hope I didn’t write too much bullshit here :wink:

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can you sent the server side and client side script?
Thank you!

Hy can you send me file to aim logs

I do not have these files, sorry.

i have one error with my aim logs how can fix this error