Advanced Zone Management - P6 Zones [ESX & QBCore]

:star2: What Does This Script Do?

Our script allows server administrators to create and enforce distinct gameplay zones such as:

:large_blue_circle: Safe Zones: Peaceful areas with optional god mode, perfect for :speaking_head: socializing, :tada: in-game events, and :shield: non-conflictive areas.
:gun: PvP Zones: Designated combat areas with :hammer_and_wrench: customizable weapon restrictions that are only usable inside the zone.
:space_invader: PvE Zones: Zones for battling NPC enemies with :crossed_swords: looting mechanics and :school_satchel: rewards.
:european_castle: Protected Areas: Secure critical locations with :door: automatic teleportation and :passport_control: role-based access controls.

Showcase Video: Advanced Zone Management System - P6 Zones [ESX & QBCore](

:sparkles: Key Features:

  • :white_check_mark: Fully integrated with major frameworks: ESX and QBCore .
  • :earth_africa: Multi-language support with :paintbrush: easy customization.
  • :loudspeaker: Real-time notifications for entering/exiting zones.
  • :world_map: Custom map overlays to visualize zone boundaries.
  • :stop_sign: Role-based and identifier-based zone restrictions.
  • :robot: Dynamic PvE mechanics, including NPC spawn control, loot tables, and aggression settings.

:trophy: Core Functionalities

:large_blue_circle: Safe Zones

  • :shield: Enforce god mode for players inside the zone.
  • :x: Prevent weapon usage and combat.
  • :policeman: Role exemptions for law enforcement or staff (e.g., police, sheriff).
  • :+1: Allow only specific Emotes (compatible with dpemotes and with exports to integrate with your emotes mod)

:gun: PvP Zones

  • :pushpin: Restrict PvP combat to specific areas.
  • :dart: Allow only selected weapons for :balance_scale: balanced engagements.
  • :eye: Visual indicators and notifications to keep players informed.

:space_invader: PvE Zones

  • :skull: Spawn NPC enemies with :wrench: customizable difficulty, weapons, and loot drops.
  • :bar_chart: Set maximum NPCs per player for optimal server performance.
  • :gift: Shared or private loot options for group dynamics.

:european_castle: Protected Areas

  • :no_pedestrians: Secure critical locations with automatic player relocation to designated safe spots.
  • :loudspeaker: Notify players upon entry or exit.
  • :passport_control: Limit access by job roles (e.g., β€œstaff”) or specific player identifiers.

:clipboard: Requirements

:computer: Frameworks (Choose one):

:books: Libraries:

:dart: Targeting Libraries (Choose one):

:warning: Ensure these dependencies are installed and updated to their latest versions before installation.

:art: Advanced Configuration

The configuration file includes detailed settings for:

  • :art: Zone boundaries, colors, transparency, and blips.
  • :loudspeaker: Notification preferences for entering/exiting zones.
  • :passport_control: Job-based and identifier-based exceptions for restricted areas.

:rocket: Easy Installation

  1. :arrows_counterclockwise: Add p6_zones to your server’s resources folder.
  2. :memo: Include ensure p6_zones in your server.cfg.
  3. :gear: Adjust settings in config.lua for full control of the different zones.

:bar_chart: Performance:


:thinking: Why Choose Our Script?

  • :dash: Highly optimized for server performance.
  • :gear: Flexible customization for any server type.
  • :arrows_counterclockwise: Ongoing updates and dedicated support.
  • :handshake: Trusted by professional server developers.
Code is accessible No / Only Config
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements ox_lib, esx, qbcore, ox_target, qb_target
Support Yes

Usage and Documentation: here

Support & Assistance: here :heart:

PURCHASE HERE: PHYSIX Engineering Β· Advanced Zone Management System - P6 Zones [ESX & QBCore] :moneybag:

:information_source: As a new store, we are committed to delivering top-notch quality and efficiency. Thank you for trusting us on this exciting journey. Your support means the world to us, and we’re always here to provide any assistance you may need. :heart:

:fire: More scripts for your server:

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NEW Update Released

Changes in the new version:

:white_check_mark: Allow specific emotes in Safe Zones, no more unwanted emotes! :thumbsup:
:white_check_mark: Added more exports to help you customize your own mods!

Check out the Documentation to learn how to install it :wink: Available here: Installation | PHYSIX Documentation
