Advanced rental job [QBCORE / ESX]


This is a script that promotes high-level RP (Roleplay). Instead of allowing players to buy cars, they can now lease cars from various companies, easily configurable through the user-friendly config. The script offers plenty of content and cool features, allowing players to adjust prices themselves and outperform their opponents in who can lease the cheapest cars


  1. Multi framework (Both QB/ESX)
  2. Workable with QB/ESX/OX/RO notify
  3. Menus works with QB or OX (Same with input Menu)
  4. A command to list your leased vehicles and billing
  5. Easy Keybind configuration
  6. Able to use interactsounds to make it feel more real (Just a small detail)
  7. An integrated rank system with permissions.
  8. High optimization (Max in use 0.05 and idle 0.01-0.0)
  9. Able to activate marks
  10. Able to set to a certain job
  11. Showrooms where you can ONLY display the cars available for lease and ONLY adjust the price to what you can lease the car for.
  12. More places to spawn vehicles when a contract is signed and you accept to lease a vehicle
  13. Administration PC where you can access: Hire, Manage permissions, Fire, Finacial (Deposit, Withdraw), Lease vehicles, Show leasing contracts (If paid or not - if not you can remove the contract), Order vehicle and show stock, and sell your company
  14. Sell back your company for what you want to be sold back for (By standard 25%)
  15. Adding debt to late paid contracts (Max 200% and 50% pr. late day)
  16. Automatic removal of expired contracts
  17. Able to define a maximum of owned companies per player.
  18. Able to enable a pickup mission when stocking up on vehicles
  • A flatbed spawns (Able to edit the vehicle model)
  • You have to find where the vehicle is
  • When close enough you can tow the vehicle (You can also un-tow it)
  • Drive it back to your dropoff
  • When the mission is finished it is added to the stock
  1. Able to define in percent the income to the group and player for each leased vehicle (Only first leasing - not for every day they pay for their leasing)
  2. Able to define how much the company can add to the minimum price of the vehicle (So they can outcompete other dealers)
  3. Able to define what category (What vehicles) for each company from Config is allowed to lease out
  4. Able to define how long (In days) each company is allowed to lease out for
  5. Can easily add more companies and define what each of the companies should be able to do and lease out
  6. Able to blacklist vehicles (Like hydras, deluxo, etc.)
  7. An integrated security system, that drops every player that is exploiting.
  8. Easy locale
  9. 1671 lines are open source (1529 are encrypted)


Config.lua (16.9 KB)

Watch the preview HERE

Price: 5€ + VAT (if applicable)

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Code is accessible partially
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3200
Requirements QB/es_extended(1.9.1 or higher), oxmysql, (if ESX ox_lib)
Support Yes

My scripts are encrypted with Keymaster , which gives our customers the best satisfaction and 100% uptime. Of course, the scripts are still customizable via the config

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