Advanced Remote Restraint - [Paid]


Advanced Remote Restraint - Based on the real bolawrap 150


This resource offers advanced features for law enforcement officers, such as the ability to remotely subdue suspects with a bolawrap, which is a non-lethal weapon used to temporarily immobilize individuals by wrapping them in a net.

With this complete configuration this script will adapt to the needs of your server!

Purchase this resource



  • Fully customizable, with this complete configuration this script will adapt to the needs of your server!

  • Realistic sound and visual effect

  • Immobilization system, you can shoot a suspect in the legs or upper body, or both at the same time, for a targeted immobilization

  • Realistic ropes, to improve the visual of the script, we modeled ropes that attach to the character during the immobilization

  • Charging system, to avoid the spam of the bolawrap, we put configurable recharge points

  • Laser system, a synchronized laser is included in the script that displays or aims you with the bolawrap

  • Permission system, this script is ESX, QBCore, and standalone compatible.

  • Language, this resource is available in French and English, you can still add your own language for your server in configuration!

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Find our complete documentation which contains the help list for the configuration of our scripts, as well as the use of the FiveM Assets Escrow


The 3d model was modeled by W4nou
The Advanced Remote Restraint uses FiveM escrow system.

Code is accessible Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements None
Support Yes

are ACE perms supported out of the box?

No taking the script you just have esx and qbcore for the permission of the give weapon command, but if you want you can put it in item since it is a weapon

ok hmm we dont use qbcore or esx or weapons as items

i might just add to custom permission script and hope it works for ace permission

Yes you can totally modify the command (it is in the file cl_utils.lua which is not encrypted)

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ok ty :slight_smile:

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Could we look into an update for cull checking etc to fix these?


:round_pushpin: Summary of latest updates

v1.0 to v1.2

  • ESX and QBCore in the script has been completely overhauled. The framework library is no longer called in the script. To use a framework, please see our how-to videos by following the link below.
  • Added a new configuration UseFramework following the above update, it allows (if enabled) to remove the command to give the weapon /pepperspray for example.
  • Optimization
  • Improvement of the update alert system
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Hello can I use this with ESX OX?

Hi, yes you can

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