Advanced Parcel Theft [QB/QBX/ESX]

sd-parceltheft is a straightforward script that lets players steal parcels from houses and open them for random rewards. Parcels are synced globally, with taken parcels respawning after a set time. The script includes 23 default locations, with easy customization to add more. Props dynamically spawn and despawn based on player proximity.

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Thank you for your free release! Kinda like those little crime stuff around the city. So this way people can still do bad stuff without actually getting too much in trouble!


Small typo in client/main.lua fixed!

Seem to consistently have issues with no models in the carry animation after a server restart

Also the registered item on qbox with ox inventory didn’t seem to properly register the item as useable so had to replace

exports.qbx_core:CreateUseableItem('parcel', function(source)
    local src = source
    TriggerClientEvent('sd-parceltheft:client:openBox', src)

The issue with the prop not loading after a server restart when the item is present isn’t a major concern for me. The problem is that the script attempts to load the prop (box) without first verifying if the player has fully loaded.

Regarding the item not being usable in Qbox, that’s not an issue either. My library generates exports specifically for ox_inventory users, which can then be called directly in the items.lua file for ox_inventory.

Here’s how the item should look in your ox_inventory/data/items.lua

    ["parcel"] = {
        label = "Parcel",
        weight = 350,
        stack = false,
        close = true,
        consume = 0,
        description = "Small package filled with something.",
        client = {
            image = "parcel.png",
        server = {
            export = 'sd-parceltheft.useParcel'

Thanks, I didn’t realize it needed the export present. Will update the items lua for that

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That’s alright, I should’ve included it in the readme.

The prop not spawning was actually an issue on my end, a really weird one though but regardless it’s been fixed now. Download 1.0.2 and it should work.

This great script! however, after about the 3rd box, the box is stuck in your hands and you cant open car doors, cancel emotes or try another emote. Only way seems to relog. Any suggestions on why this is happening?

Drop the parcel item.