Welcome to the Codex Studios Moonshine Run Script, where players can experience the thrill of moonshine running, from smuggling supplies to crafting high-quality moonshine. Below is a detailed breakdown of Moonshine Levels 1 to 4, each offering unique challenges and mechanics.
Features & Gameplay Mechanics:
Dynamic NPC Interactions โ When searching for an invitation or moonshine, NPCs will react differently! Some may attack with knives or weapons, while others might give you what you need.
Access to the Moonshine Lab โ Only players who successfully obtain an invitation can enter the secret lab.
Fully Configurable Brewing System โ Customize the types of herbs and exact quantities needed for moonshine production via the config file.
Skill-Based Brewing Process โ Players must carefully place the correct herbs into the moonshine still and adjust the temperature accurately to create perfect-quality moonshine.
Risk vs. Reward โ If the temperature is too high or low, the player will end up with low-quality moonshine, reducing its value and effectiveness.
Engaging & Realistic Experience โ Encouraging experimentation, skill development, and strategic gameplay to master the art of moonshining.
Level 1: Gathering & Smuggling Supplies
At Level 1, players begin their journey by smuggling essential moonshine ingredients and avoiding law enforcement.
Objective: Travel across the map to collect key ingredients (e.g., sugar, yeast, and herbs).
Supply Runs: Players must locate hidden suppliers or steal resources from military supply camps.
Risk Factor: Some supply areas are guarded by NPCs, requiring stealth or combat skills.
Dynamic Events: Random patrols and ambushes add an element of danger to supply smuggling.
Level 2: Transporting Moonshine Barrels
At Level 2, players must transport illegal moonshine barrels while avoiding bandits and lawmen.
Objective: Deliver moonshine barrels to secret buyers across the map.
Vehicle Choices: Players can use wagons, horses, or boats depending on the delivery route.
Encounter System:
- Lawmen may interrogate or chase you if they become suspicious.
- Rival smugglers or bandits may try to steal your shipment.
Bribery & Disguise: Players can bribe lawmen or use disguises to avoid detection.
Level 3: Raiding Moonshine Locations & Expanding the Business
At Level 3, players transition from a smuggler to a moonshine entrepreneur, but before they can expand their trade, they must raid an existing moonshine operation to take control of a production site.
Objective: Find and raid a hidden moonshine location before the timer runs out, then establish connections with buyers to expand the business.
Raiding the Moonshine Location
- A timer starts as soon as the mission begins, requiring players to locate and attack an existing moonshine operation before time runs out.
- The moonshine locations are guarded by NPCs, who will fight back using weapons.
- Players must eliminate the guards and secure the location.
- If the player fails to complete the raid in time, the location is abandoned or taken over by another gang, forcing them to restart.
Level 4: Crafting the Perfect Moonshine
At Level 4, players gain access to the Moonshine Lab, where they can produce low or perfect-quality moonshine.
Objective: Master the moonshine crafting process by gathering herbs and controlling temperature.
Finding the Invitation: Players must interact with various NPCs to gain access to the Moonshine Lab.
- Some NPCs help and provide invitations.
- Others attack with knives or weapons, making the process risky.
Production Mechanics:
- Use the correct herbs and ingredients (fully configurable in the config file).
- Adjust the temperature of the moonshine still to achieve perfect quality.
- Too high or too low temperatures reduce the moonshineโs value.
Final Outcome:
- Successfully crafted perfect-quality moonshine sells for a high price.
- Low-quality moonshine sells for less and might damage reputation with buyers.
Config File Preview
Codex = {
Keys = {
-- ๐ค Letters
["A"] = 0x7065027D, ["B"] = 0x4CC0E2FE, ["C"] = 0x9959A6F0, ["D"] = 0xB4E465B4, ["E"] = 0xCEFD9220, ["F"] = 0xB2F377E8,
["G"] = 0x760A9C6F, ["H"] = 0x24978A28, ["I"] = 0xC1989F95, ["J"] = 0xF3830D8E, ["K"] = nil, ["L"] = 0x80F28E95,
["M"] = 0xE31C6A41, ["N"] = 0x4BC9DABB, ["O"] = 0xF1301666, ["P"] = 0xD82E0BD2, ["Q"] = 0xDE794E3E,
["R"] = 0xE30CD707, ["S"] = 0xD27782E3, ["T"] = nil, ["U"] = 0xD8F73058, ["V"] = 0x7F8D09B8, ["W"] = 0x8FD015D8,
["X"] = 0x8CC9CD42, ["Y"] = nil, ["Z"] = 0x26E9DC00,
-- ๐ฃ Symbol Keys
-- ๐ฑ๏ธ Mouse Buttons
["MOUSE1"] = 0x07CE1E61, ["MOUSE2"] = 0xF84FA74F, ["MOUSE3"] = 0xCEE12B50, ["MWUP"] = 0x3076E97C,
-- ๐ ๏ธ Modifier Keys
["CTRL"] = 0xDB096B85, ["TAB"] = 0xB238FE0B, ["SHIFT"] = 0x8FFC75D6, ["SPACEBAR"] = 0xD9D0E1C0, ["ENTER"] = 0xC7B5340A,
["BACKSPACE"] = 0x156F7119, ["LALT"] = 0x8AAA0AD4, ["DEL"] = 0x4AF4D473, ["PGUP"] = 0x446258B6, ["PGDN"] = 0x3C3DD371,
-- ๐ข Function Keys
["F1"] = 0xA8E3F467, ["F4"] = 0x1F6D95E5, ["F6"] = 0x3C0A40F2,
-- ๐ข Number Keys
["1"] = 0xE6F612E4, ["2"] = 0x1CE6D9EB, ["3"] = 0x4F49CC4C, ["4"] = 0x8F9F9E58, ["5"] = 0xAB62E997, ["6"] = 0xA1FDE2A6,
["7"] = 0xB03A913B, ["8"] = 0x42385422,
-- โก๏ธ Arrow Keys
["DOWN"] = 0x05CA7C52, ["UP"] = 0x6319DB71, ["LEFT"] = 0xA65EBAB4, ["RIGHT"] = 0xDEB34313,
-- ๐ ๏ธ Developer Mode: Enables debugging features and extra logging for easier troubleshooting.
DeveloperMode = true,
UseMiniGame = true,
MiniGameTotalTime = math.random(7, 10), -- โณ Randomize the mini-game time between 7 and 10 seconds
MiniGameKeyNeededSuccess = math.random(5, 8), -- ๐ Randomize the number of successful key presses needed for mini-game
SynchronizedAcrossAllClients = true,
-- ๐จ๏ธ Advanced Print Mode: Enhanced console output for better visibility during debugging.
AdvancedPrintMode = true,
-- ๐ Menu Data: Specifies the menu API used (e.g., 'menuapi') for interactions.
MenuData = 'menuapi',
OxNewMenu = true ,
UseOxProgressBar = true,
AutoSetup = true, -- ๐ง AutoSetup is enabled. When true, the system automatically configures necessary settings, ensuring the mission starts with the correct parameters and avoids manual setup. ๐
-- ๐ฆ SQL Resource: Indicates which SQL resource is used for database operations, such as 'ghmattimysql'.
SQLResource = "ghmattimysql",
-- โ๏ธ Framework: Identifies the game framework used (e.g., 'vorp') for integration.
Framework = "vorp",
-- ๐ค NPC Mission Setup: Defines NPCs that start missions, with attributes like name, model, coordinates, rewards (money or items).
CheckForItems = false, -- Change to true to enable the item check (the player must have the item in their inventory) ๐ ๏ธ
NPCCooldownTime = 1, -- Time in minutes (e.g., 1 minute cooldown) before the NPC can be interacted with again โณ
CooldownTime = 1000 * 60000, -- โณ This is 16.6 hours per user, not a global cooldown
-- Global cooldown for each NPC to prevent multiple interactions โณ
CoolDownOnNpc = true, -- Enables a global cooldown for each NPC โณ
OnPlayerCoolDown = false, -- If true, the cooldown applies per player, preventing them from starting missions โณ
-- ๐ฏ NPC mission starting configurations
NpcStartMission = {
name = "Informer Arthur", -- ๐คต NPC Name
npcmodel = "MP_G_M_M_UNICRIMINALS_06", -- ๐งโโ๏ธ NPC Model
coords = {x = 2634.6904, y = -1377.9508, z = 45.5240, h = 115.7783},
MoneyType = 0, -- Accounts : 0 = money, 1 = gold, 2 = cents
giveMoney = true, -- ๐ต Money Reward (true/false)
moneyQuantity = math.random(500, 800), -- ๐ฐ Money Range (Adjusted for variety)
giveItem = true, -- ๐ Item Reward (true/false)
item = "lockpick", -- ๐ ๏ธ Item Name
label = "Lockpick", -- ๐ท๏ธ Item Label
WagonSpawnPoint = {x = 2630.89, y = -1440.03, z = 46.46}, -- ๐ Spawn point for the wagon
itemQuantity = 1, -- ๐ข Item Quantity Range
trustRequired_Mission_1 = 0, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 1
trustRequired_Mission_2 = 2, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 2
trustRequired_Mission_3 = 5, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 3
trustRequired_Mission_4 = 10, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 4
NpcIsonCooldown = false, -- Change to true when NPC needs to wait before giving another mission (GLOBAL COOLDOWN)โณ
RewardItems = {"lockpick", "bread", "coffee"}, -- Set this to the list of items that can be rewarded
RewardQuantity = 1, -- Set this to the number of items you want the player to receive. Default is 1 ๐
--- Only one of these must be true, **NOT BOTH** at the same time:
RandomItems = false, -- Set this to `true` if you want the player to receive a **random item** from the list ๐ฒ
GiveAllItems = true, -- Set this to `true` if you want the player to receive **all items** from the list ๐
name = "Informer Thomas", -- ๐คต NPC Name
npcmodel = "MP_G_M_M_UNICRIMINALS_06", -- ๐งโโ๏ธ NPC Model
coords = {x = -754.4, y = -1354.31, z = 42.51, h = 115.7783},
WagonSpawnPoint = {x = 2630.89, y = -1440.03, z = 46.46}, -- ๐ Spawn point for the wagon
MoneyType = 0, -- Accounts : 0 = money, 1 = gold, 2 = cents
giveMoney = true, -- ๐ต Money Reward (true/false)
moneyQuantity = math.random(500, 800), -- ๐ฐ Money Range (Adjusted for variety)
giveItem = true, -- ๐ Item Reward (true/false)
item = "lockpick", -- ๐ ๏ธ Item Name
label = "Lockpick", -- ๐ท๏ธ Item Label
itemQuantity = 1, -- ๐ข Item Quantity Range
trustRequired_Mission_1 = 0, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 1
trustRequired_Mission_2 = 3, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 2
trustRequired_Mission_3 = 6, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 3
trustRequired_Mission_4 = 12, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 4
NpcIsonCooldown = false, -- Change to true when NPC needs to wait before giving another mission (GLOBAL COOLDOWN)โณ
RewardItems = {"lockpick", "bread", "coffee"}, -- Set this to the list of items that can be rewarded
RewardQuantity = 1, -- Set this to the number of items you want the player to receive. Default is 1 ๐
--- Only one of these must be true, **NOT BOTH** at the same time:
RandomItems = false, -- Set this to `true` if you want the player to receive a **random item** from the list ๐ฒ
GiveAllItems = true, -- Set this to `true` if you want the player to receive **all items** from the list ๐
name = "Informer James", -- ๐คต NPC Name (Updated to avoid duplicate names)
npcmodel = "MP_G_M_M_UNICRIMINALS_06", -- ๐งโโ๏ธ NPC Model
coords = {x = -500.0, y = -1500.0, z = 40.0, h = 90.0}, -- Updated to ensure unique location
WagonSpawnPoint = {x = 2630.89, y = -1440.03, z = 46.46}, -- ๐ Spawn point for the wagon
MoneyType = 0, -- Accounts : 0 = money, 1 = gold, 2 = cents
giveMoney = true, -- ๐ต Money Reward (true/false)
moneyQuantity = math.random(500, 800), -- ๐ฐ Money Range (Adjusted for variety)
giveItem = true, -- ๐ Item Reward (true/false)
item = "goldbar", -- ๐ ๏ธ Item Name (Changed to diversify rewards)
label = "Gold Bar", -- ๐ท๏ธ Item Label
itemQuantity = 1, -- ๐ข Item Quantity Range (Adjusted for item rarity)
trustRequired_Mission_1 = 1, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 1
trustRequired_Mission_2 = 4, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 2
trustRequired_Mission_3 = 8, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 3
trustRequired_Mission_4 = 15, -- ๐ Trust Level Requirement for Mission 4
NpcIsonCooldown = false, -- Change to true when NPC needs to wait before giving another mission (GLOBAL COOLDOWN)โณ
RewardItems = {
"lockpick", "bread", "coffee"}, -- Set this to the list of items that can be rewarded
RewardQuantity = 1, -- Set this to the number of items you want the player to receive. Default is 1 ๐
--- Only one of these must be true, **NOT BOTH** at the same time:
RandomItems = false, -- Set this to `true` if you want the player to receive a **random item** from the list ๐ฒ
GiveAllItems = true, -- Set this to `true` if you want the player to receive **all items** from the list ๐
AddTrustonMissionComplete = 2, -- ๐ค The number of trust points to be added to the player when they complete a mission. A value of 2 means the player will receive 2 trust points upon mission completion ๐
ChanceForWheelBreak = 100, -- ๐ฒ 3% chance for a wheel to break
ChanceforPlayerTogotRaid = 3, ---- ๐ฒ 3% chance for player got raided
RepairTime = 30000, -- ๐ง Time in milliseconds to repair the wagon recommended to be above 250000ms
MustFixTimeToReset = 20000, -- ๐ Time before the wagon must be fixed to reset the mission
RepairedTimeToreset = 20000, -- ๐ Time after repairing to reset the mission
CheckDeliveryLocationIndex = 60000, -- ๐ Interval to check delivery location index in milliseconds
RaidChance = 10, -- ๐ฒ 10% chance for a raider attack
PropForWagon = 'mp001_p_barreltwin01x', -- ๐ข๏ธ The prop (object) used for the wagon in missions.๐
-- ๐ Models and Objects
WagonModel = "wagon05x", -- ๐ป Model for the wagon used in missions
--- ๐ Blips and Colors
ColorBlipWagon = "BLIP_MODIFIER_KEY_MISSION_OBJECT", -- ๐จ Blip color for the wagon (see: https://github.com/femga/rdr3_discoveries/blob/master/useful_info_from_rpfs/blip_modifiers/README.md)
BlipForWagon = 1012165077, -- ๐ Blip ID for the wagon on the map
ColorMultiRoute = "COLOR_YELLOW", -- ๐ฃ๏ธ Color for the route trace (e.g., COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLUE)
BlipRadius = true, -- If true, a radius will be displayed ๐
Radius = 250.0, -- Defines the radius in meters ๐
RemoveRadiusBlipAfter = 10, -- โฑ๏ธ Time (in minutes) after which the radius blip will be removed from the map.๐
--[[White 0
Red 1
Green 2
Blue 3
Yellow 5
Purple 7
Orange 17]]
ColorForRadius = 5 ,
-- ๐ Notifications and Messages
TriggerEventNotification = "vorp:TipBottom", -- ๐ข Event for triggering notifications
FirstDeliveryNotification = "Go to the wagon and deliver the package", -- ๐ Initial mission notification
ThirdDeliveryNotification = "You must steal the moonshine for me.Dont shoot or et cought!.",
NotificationMessageTime = 6000, -- โฒ๏ธ Duration for notification display in milliseconds
MiniGameFailedMessage = "Try Again",
-- ๐ Delivery Locations: Coordinates where players deliver cargo during missions.
DeliveryLocations = {
[1] = { 2587.73, -1128.83, 51.33}, -- ๐ Delivery Point 1
[2] = {2758.4060, -1306.1627, 46.5944, 323.0802}, -- ๐ Delivery Point 2
LocationsNeeded = math.random(2, 5), -- ๐ฏ The number of locations required for the mission for example (min 1 , max 5)๐๐
DeliveryLocations_Level_2 = { ---player randomly get the coords in level 2 he must delivery the moonshine from 3 to max 5 locations to complete the mission(LocationsNeeded)
[1] = {2520.0842, -1130.8555, 48.8421, 88.2590}, -- ๐ Delivery Point 1
[2] = {2758.4060, -1306.1627, 46.5944, 323.0802}, -- ๐ Delivery Point 2
-- ๐ฎ Law Jobs: List of jobs considered as law enforcement (e.g., 'police', 'marshal').
LawJobs = { "police", "marshal", "deputy" },
Codex_Notifications = false,
CoolDownMessage = "You must wait to start again the run", -- ๐ฉ Message for when the player must wait before starting again
NotAllowedJobMessage = "You can't start the mission because of your job", -- โ Message for when the player has the wrong job
AlreadyOnMissionMessage = "You already started a mission", -- ๐ซ Message for when the player is already on a mission
NoItemsMessage = "You don't have the desired items", -- ๐ Message for when the player lacks necessary items
PositionOccupiedMessage = "Another Wagon is nearby, please wait", -- ๐ Message for when the position is occupied by another wagon
WheelGotFixedMessage = "You fixed the wheel", -- ๐ง Message for when the wheel is repaired
PoliceAlertMessage = "Moonshine Delivery has been started", -- ๐ Message for when the delivery is initiated and flagged to police
FinalDeliveryNotification = "You delivered everything, good job", -- โ
Message for when the delivery is completed successfully
LocationUpdatedMessage = "Next delivery location updated!", -- ๐ Message for when the next location is updated
-- Notify players in law jobs within a range ๐ก
NotifyPoliceInRange = 100, -- ๐จ Notify players in law enforcement jobs within a 100-meter range
-- โ
Police Job Check: Determines if active law jobs are required for specific events (true/false).
PoliceJobCheck = true,
AlertPolice = true,
-- ๐จ Police Alert Chance: Percentage chance (100%) to alert police during certain events.
PoliceAlertChance = 100, --%
-- ๐ Vendor Hours: Configures vendor availability by start and close hours.
VendorsBasedOnHours = false,
VendorHours = {
StartHour = 0, -- ๐ Open Time
CloseHour = 7, -- ๐ Close Time
-- ๐ก๏ธ Raider Attacks: Toggles NPC raider attacks on cargo (true/false).
EnableRaiders = true, -- โ๏ธ Enable raiders to spawn and attack
RaidersWeapon = "WEAPON_REVOLVER_NAVY", -- ๐ซ Raiders' weapon model
SpawnRaidersTimer = 10000, -- โฑ๏ธ Time interval (in ms) between raider spawns
RadiusAroundThePlayer = 3.0, -- ๐ Radius (in meters) around the player where raiders can spawn
NumberOfRaidersToBeSpawned = 5, -- ๐ฅ Number of raiders to spawn at once
RaidersModels = {
"s_m_m_valdeputy_01", -- ๐ฎโโ๏ธ First raider model
"MP_G_M_M_UNICRIMINALS_06" -- ๐ฆนโโ๏ธ Second raider model
--------- Mission 3 ---------
-- Check if the player is within line of sight and in front of the NPC
SpawnObjects = {
[1] = {x = 1600.79, y = -1838.37, z = 52.35}, -- ๐ Spawn Point 1
[2] = {x = 1580.86, y = -1840.09, z = 52.35},-- ๐ Spawn Point 2
[3] = {x = 1585.06, y = -1859.24, z = 52.35}, -- ๐ Spawn Point 3
[4] = {x = 1605.63, y = -1856.5, z = 52.35}, -- ๐ Spawn Point 4
PatrolModels = {
"s_m_m_valdeputy_01", -- ๐ฎโโ๏ธ First Patrol model
"MP_G_M_M_UNICRIMINALS_06" -- ๐ฆนโโ๏ธ Second Patrol model
PatrolPoints = {
{ x = 1600.79, y = -1838.37, z = 52.35 }, -- ๐ Spawn Point 1
{ x = 1580.86, y = -1840.09, z = 52.35 }, -- ๐ Spawn Point 2
{ x = 1585.06, y = -1859.24, z = 52.35 }, -- ๐ Spawn Point 3
{ x = 1605.63, y = -1856.5, z = 52.35 }, -- ๐ Spawn Point 4
---- moonshine ------
DistilleryProp = "mp006_p_moonshiner_still02x",
Moonshinebags = "mp001_s_moonshinesupplies_m02",
DistanceRadius = 50.0 , -- Player distance for NPC to become angry/aggressive
PatrolRadius = 30.0, -- Increased patrol radius for more roaming area
MissionTimeDuration = 600, -- Duration of the timer in seconds
PatrolStopTime = math.random(3, 7), -- Stop for a random period, then move to a new location , Stop for 3 to 7 seconds
---- The example(MinimumSpawnPatrolNpc = 1 ,MaximumSpawnPatrolNpc = 3 ) Spawning 3 patrol NPCs around the prop, you can adjust these numbers
MinimumSpawnPatrolNpc = 1,
MaximumSpawnPatrolNpc = 3,
LocationsNeedToComplete = 4, --- this must be the number of your SpawnObjects for example there are 4 now if you put extra 1 or 2 you must adjust the number here too
---- Level 4 ----
DistanceForSelectNpcs = 3000, -- Distance to select the npcs (is not spawned npcs they are ingame npcs so be sure you have active npcs in your server)
IntervalUpdate = 500, -- Periodically update NPC blips, even if they move far away
NumberOfNPCToBeSelected = 20, -- How many npcs will be selected
InteractionNPCDistance = 3, --- Distance to interact with the npcs
WeaponhashNPC = "WEAPON_REVOLVER_CATTLEMAN", --- Weapon for the npc
Knifehash = "WEAPON_MELEE_KNIFE", --- Weapon Knife for the npc
LawNPCHashes = { -- this is actualy a blacklisted table so the script doesnt select the following peds be sure you put the informer here too
ItemGiveNFromNpcs = "invitation_message", --- item that player got by npcs this item is unigue if the player lost the item he must do the 4th mission again to get it
QuantityItemGive = 1, --- do not change
--- Moonshine Setup -----
UseMoonshineTeleports = true, --- teleport system to set player location to moonshines
UseMoonshineBlips = true, --- if you wanna the blips be visible set it true (not recommended for better expirience set it false)
AccessToMoonshine = 1, -- The player must have the following trust level to enter
ItemAccessQuantity = 1, --- do not change it
ItemAccess = "invitation_message", --- check item for access to moonshine labs
ProductionDestilyTrust = 20, --- the player must have this trust level to enter in the highest moonshine production
InteriorsShells = { --- setup the interior shells
['lemoyne'] = {
['outside'] = vector3(1785.01, -821.53, 41.86),
['inside'] = vector3(1785.01,-821.53,191.01),
['interior'] = 77313,
['interior_sets'] = {
['cattail_pond'] = {
['outside'] = vector3(-1085.63, 714.14, 103.32),
['inside'] = vector3(-1085.63, 714.14, 83.23),
['interior'] = 77569,
['interior_sets'] = {
['new_austin'] = {
['outside'] = vector3(-2769.3, -3048.87, 10.38),
['inside'] = vector3(-2769.3, -3048.87, -9.7),
['interior'] = 78337,
['interior_sets'] = {
['hanover'] = {
['outside'] = vector3(1627.64, 822.9, 144.03),
['inside'] = vector3(1627.64, 822.9, 123.94),
['interior'] = 78593,
['interior_sets'] = {
['manzanita_post'] = {
['outside'] = vector3(-1861.7, -1722.17, 108.35),
['inside'] = vector3(-1861.7, -1722.17, 88.35),
['interior'] = 77825,
['interior_sets'] = {
['moonshine_dsti'] = {
['outside'] = vector3(1356.11, -1247.8, 79.95),
['inside'] = vector3(2450.77, 286.24, 46.12 + 0.7),
['interior'] = nil,
['interior_sets'] = {
--dont need
---Produce moonshine
PropHashInteraction = "mp006_p_moonshiner_still03x", --- moonshine Prop hash
ObjectLocationCheck = vector3(2463.406005859375, 283.9789123535156, 44.96858215332031), --- moonshine Prop coords
ObjectInteractionDistance = 2.3, --- moonshine Prop Interaction distance check
PerfectQualityMoonshine = { --- perfect temps
TempOne = 24,
TempTwo = 45,
TempThree = 70,
HerbsNeededForMoonshine = { --- Player must have these items to produse moonshine
["consumable_herb_dill"] = 10,
["consumable_herb_wild_mint"] = 10,
["consumable_herb_wisteria"] = 10,
["consumable_herb_parasol_mushroom"] = 10,
["consumable_herb_desert_sage"] = 10,
["consumable_herb_chanterelles"] = 10,
["consumable_herb_cardinal_flower"] = 10
PerfectQualityMoonshineItem = "perfect_moonshine", -- Perfect Quality item
LowQualityMoonshineItem = "low_moonshine", -- Low Quality item
PerfectQuantityMoonshine = 10, --Perfect Quality moonshine quantity
LowQuantityMoonshine = 10, --Low Quality moonshine quantity
MoonshineCoolDown = 180000, -- cooldown for produse moonshine
ProgressBarTimer = 60000, -- Progress Bar Timer
ProgressBarTextOnMoonshine = "Applying Temperatures to Moonshinestill ", -- progress bar text
----- Webhook Settings -----
DiscordWebhook = "",
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Code is accessible | Yes(Config.lua / css/html/js) |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 5000+ |
Requirements | VorpCore/RSG |
Support | Yes |