Advanced Jobcenter

Modular Jobcenter

An advanced jobcenter for FiveM with immersive interactions, designed to enhance the job selection experience for players.

Key Features

  • Easily Configurable: Designed to make editing the configuration as simple as possible.
  • UI: Offers a clean and simple interface, making player interaction seamless.
  • Performance Optimized: This script is highly optimized to ensure smooth gameplay.
  • Job Location: Players can easily locate available jobs through the jobcenter.


  • A framework that supports giving players jobs
  • Any notification system

Installation Instructions

  1. Download the script.
  2. Extract the folder into your server’s resources directory.
  3. Add start/ensure modular-jobcenter to your server.cfg.
  4. Configure the script in the config.lua file to suit your server’s needs.
  5. Restart your server or use the refresh and start modular-jobcenter commands.

Support & Feedback

You can create a support ticket on our discord if you need support with the script


Get it here:

We also have an open source version.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 763
Requirements Requirements
Support Yes

nice work

1 Like

Can I get an open source version to modify as I wish?

Excited to try this! It looks amazing!

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Look at our tebex store under the “open source” category.

I have a problem that does not work on the system ESX OLD

Does this work with ND core and if not will it be an update

Great release, thanks

We’re not familier with ND Core but you can add support for it yourself. Only two of the four functions require a framework. :grinning:

What are the 2 functions need to be changed to work with a different framework?

also do you have the source code because keymaster locked the client.lua & Server.lua

You can buy the open-source on our tebex :grinning:
You can change the functions inside of config.lua to match the functions needed to use ND core.

Open a ticket for help :smile:

Ah ok I dont feel like buying it to change something though it might be a pull request or a github thing

Real estate doesnt work for me

You have to change the config for it to work correctly with the jobs you have on your server.