Advanced Jail Script, With NPC | stg_jail [ESX/QB]

What does this script do? :thinking:

this script is taken to the police station or prison by a helper npc called by the police someone who needs to be arrested at the crime area. Please watch the video for detailed review.

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  • Editable Config
  • 0.00 Resmon
  • Optimized advanced script
  • Response design
  • Design your server will show beautifully**

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Code is accessible No/Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1400+
Requirements es_extended or qbcore
Support Yes

Looks like a great script - my only problem is the UI taking up the whole screen. This does several things:

  • Allows the player who is being arrested to remain unsupervised for a moment. This means they could potentially stand up and start shooting the officer if they are uncompliant and there is only one police.
  • The officer is rendered useless for a moment & is completely unable to see what is going on around them.

My solution:

  • Either Make the UI only take up a portion of the screen, so they can remain “inside” the game.
  • Or Make the UI semi transparent, so they can maintain total awareness of what’s going on.
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A large portion of the screen is also taken up by a monkey - this could easily be removed and or made smaller so the player can see inside the game.

Is the script getting smaller?