👌 Advanced Hud [ESX & QB & STANDALONE*]


Hello, FiveM community! :wave:

Introducing our groundbreaking Advanced HUD script for your servers! :bulb:

Modern aesthetics, extensive player customization options, and top-tier optimization - these are the essentials your server needs to stand out in the FiveM community. Our latest HUD script is a perfect blend of style, functionality, and performance, designed to enhance the gaming experience for both ESX and QBCore servers. Dive into the details below and discover how our script can transform your server into a more engaging, personalized, and efficient gaming hub!


Our HUD script introduces a visually stunning, modern interface. With crisp graphics and a sleek design, it’s built to impress. Check out our gallery to see the futuristic look that could redefine your server’s appearance!


Enjoy seamless integration with ESX and QBCore. Our script automatically replaces default notifications, progress bars, and help notifications, making the setup process effortless and enhancing your gameplay right from the start.


Flexibility at its finest! Our script allows players to personalize their HUD by adjusting the positions of various icons. This customization is saved per user, ensuring a consistent, tailored experience every time they join your server.


Dive into a world of colors! Players have the freedom to change HUD colors, ensuring their interface aligns perfectly with their personal style or mood.



Our innovative DarkMode/LightMode feature automatically adjusts the HUD based on the time of day. This ensures optimal visibility and readability, providing comfort and clarity around the clock.



Never miss a beat with our smart reminder system. When hunger or anu other status levels drop critically low, our script sends out timely notifications like “You’re feeling hungry. Eat something.” to keep players informed and engaged.



Experience our Hud and our other fantastic FiveM scripts firsthand on our Preview Server! We’ve set up a custom showcase framework, allowing you to explore the features and functionalities of all our scripts.

Join our Preview Server by connecting to connect showcase.17movement.net.



We take pride in our numerous positive feedbacks and offer nearly 24/7 support. If you’re not satisfied with your purchase, rest assured that we’ll gladly issue a refund within 24 hours of purchase. Additionally, we operate a preview server where you can try out all our scripts firsthand:


Experience our script for yourself on our Modern Demo Server!

Happy Gaming!

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 4000
Requirements ESX or QBCore. Can work standalone if you link your status
Support Yes

Multiplayer Lumberjack Job
Multiplayer Builder Job
Multiplayer Gruppe Sechs
Multiplayer Treasure Hunter
Multiplayer Window Cleaning
Multiplayer Garbage Collector
Multiplayer Deliverer Job
Multiplayer Electrician Job


Config Preview maybe ???

I’ve posted in from 17Movement Account, but it’s awaiting approval. Should appear soon.

Can you adjust the text color so that it’s more visible on the white background ?
I genuinely expected to find, among the available options, a timing tool that shows how much time is left until the arrival of the salary. We are in 2024.
Regarding the advanced part, it stands out only through the automatic switch between dark and light mode; otherwise, it offers the same features or even fewer than the competition

There you go brother

-- { 17movement.net } --
Config = {}
Config.UseMPH = false
Config.CompassFollowGameCam = true
Config.SeatBeltsKey = "K"
Config.SoundVolume = 1.0
Config.MaxVest = 100
Config.DefaultVoiceMode = 2
Config.MaxVoiceMode = 3

Config.DarkModeStartsAt = "21:00"
Config.DarkModeEndsAt = "6:00"

Config.SettingsKeybind = "U"

-- Stress system
Config.EnableStress = true           -- Use build-in stress system
Config.AddStressWhileShooting = true -- Should add stress while shooting?
Config.StressingSpeed = 100          -- Speed above which you start to get stressed
Config.MinimumStressForEffects = 50  -- Minimum Stress amount to start effects

Config.StressEffects = {
        Min = 50,
        Max = 60,
        Timeout = math.random(50000, 60000),
        Blur = 1500,
        Min = 60,
        Max = 70,
        Timeout = math.random(40000, 50000),
        Blur = 2000,
        Min = 70,
        Max = 80,
        Timeout = math.random(30000, 40000),
        Blur = 2500,
        Min = 80,
        Max = 90,
        Timeout = math.random(20000, 30000),
        Blur = 3000,
        Min = 90,
        Max = 100,
        Timeout = math.random(10000, 20000),
        Blur = 3500,
        RagdollTime = 2000,

-- Here you can confugure some notifications when status if lower/bigger than the set value
Config.StatusNotifications = {
    -- {
        -- status (Status type): string["Health", "Vest", "Hunger", "Thirst", "Stress", "Oxygen"]
        -- lowerThan (Show notification when status is lower than): number<0, 100>
        -- biggerThan (Show notification when status is bigger than): number<0, 100>
        -- notifyTitle (Notify title): string
        -- notifyMessage (Notify message): string
    -- },
        status = "Thirst",
        lowerThan = 10,
        notifyTitle = "Thirsty",
        notifyMessage = "You are feeling thirsty. Drink something",
        status = "Hunger",
        lowerThan = 10,
        notifyTitle = "Hungry",
        notifyMessage = "You are feeling hungry. Eat something",

-- Default HUD colors. NOTE: colors must be specified as 8 character hex code (first 6 letters = color, 2 last letters = opacity)
Config.DefaultColors = {
    ['light'] = {
        ["--color-primary"] = "#679bffff",
        ["--color-secondary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-primary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-secondary"] = "#ffffffb0",
        ["--color-transparent"] = "#c2c2c24c",
    ['dark'] = {
        ["--color-primary"] = "#679bffff",
        ["--color-secondary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-primary"] = "#ffffffff",
        ["--color-text-secondary"] = "#ffffffb0",
        ["--color-transparent"] = "#0000004c",

-- Default HUD settings
Config.DefaultSettings = {
    ['AutoTheme'] = true,      -- Values: [true, false]. Enables that theme work in automatic mode (depends from time)
    ['DarkMode'] = false,      -- Values: [true, false]. If AutoTheme is false, then the hud theme will be set to this value
    ['SpeedUnits'] = "kmh",    -- Values: ['kmh', 'mph']. Default speed units. (NOTE: DO NO TOUCH! Sets automatically from Config.UseMPH)
    ['Map'] = "inCar",         -- Values: [true, false, 'inCar']. When radar should be displayed
    ['CinematicMode'] = false, -- Values: [true, false]. Is that CinematicMode enabled
    ['NotifyVolume'] = 50,     -- Values: <0, 100>. Default notifications sounds volume
    ['healthAndVest'] = true,  -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Health and Vest componenets. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['food'] = true,           -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Hunger and Thirt componenet. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['stress'] = true,         -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Stress componenet. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['oxygen'] = true,         -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Oxygen component. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
    ['voice'] = true,          -- Values: [true, false]. Show Microphone component
    ['location'] = true,       -- Values: [true, false]. Show location component
    ['time'] = true,           -- Values: [true, false]. Show time component
    ['cash'] = true,           -- Values: [true, false]. Show cash component
    ['bank'] = true,           -- Values: [true, false]. Show bank component
    ['weapon'] = true,         -- Values: [true, false]. Show weapon component

-- Here you can absolutly remove some components from HUD. Values: [true, false]
Config.Components = {
    ["health"] = true,
    ["healthAndVest"] = true,
    ["oxygen"] = true,
    ["food"] = true,
    ["stress"] = true,
    ["radio"] = true,
    ["weapon"] = true,
    ["ammo"] = true,
    ["voice"] = true,
    ["cash"] = true,
    ["bank"] = true,
    ["time"] = true,
    ["location"] = true,

-- Your langugage
Config.Lang = {
    ["DefaultNotification"] = "Notification",
    ['DefaultProgressBar'] = "Progress bar",
    ['AddingStress'] = "You are feeling more stressed",
    ['RemovingStress'] = "You are feeling more relexed",
    ["CancelProgressHint"] = "Press ~INPUT_VEH_DUCK~ to cancel",
    ["NUI_SERVER_TIME"] = "Server Time",
    ["NUI_RADIO_FREQUENCY"] = "Radio MHz",
    ["NUI_BANK"] = "Bank",
    ["NUI_CASH"] = "Cash",
    ["NUI_MPH"] = "MPH",
    ["NUI_KMH"] = "KMH",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Settings</strong>",
    "Here you can change some main hud features",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_EXIT"] = 'Press <span class="button">ESC</span> to exit',
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS"] = "Change Icons <strong>Position</strong>",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS_CANCEL"] = "Press <span>ESC</span> to cancel",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS_SAVE"] = "Press <span>Enter</span> to save",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_COLORS"] = "Hud <strong>Colors</strong>",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_COLORS_SELECT_BTN"] = "Select Colors",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CHOOSE_THEME"] = "Choose <strong>Theme</strong>",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SPPED_UNIT"] = "Speed Unit",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_DISPLAY_MINIMAP"] = "Display Minimap",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW"] = "Show",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HIDE"] = "Hide",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_ONLY_IN_CAR"] = "Only in car",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW_IF_UNDER"] = "Show if under",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW_IF_ABOVE"] = "Show if above",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CINEMATIC_MODE"] = "Cinematic Mode",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_VOLUME"] = "Notification Volume",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_STATUS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Status Elements</strong>",
    "Here you can change some display related settings",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HEALTH_AND_ARMOR"] = "Health and Armor",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_HUNGER_AND_THIRST"] = "Hunger and Thirst",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_STRESS"] = "Stress",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_OXYGEN"] = "Oxygen",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_MICROPHONE"] = "Microphone",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_STREET_NAMES"] = "Street names",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_GAME_TIME"] = "Game time",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CASH"] = "Cash",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_BANK"] = "Bank money",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_WEAPON"] = "Current Weapon",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_WANT_TO_SAVE"] = "Do you want to save settings?",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_SAVE"] = "Save",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_CANCEL"] = "Cancel",
    ["NUI_SETTINGS_RESET"] = "Reset",
    ["NUI_COLORS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Edit Colors</strong>",
    "Here you can change colors for choosed theme",
    ["NUI_COLORS_CHOOSE_THEME"] = "Choose <strong>Theme</strong>",
    ["NUI_COLORS_SELECT_COLORS"] = "Select Colors",
    ["NUI_COLORS_WANT_TO_SAVE"] = "Do you want to save?",

-- List of weapons. You can edit names and ammo displaying
Config.Weapons = {
    [`weapon_dagger`] = {
        label = "Antique Cavalry Dagger",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_bat`] = {
        label = "Baseball Bat",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_bottle`] = {
        label = "Broken Bottle",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_crowbar`] = {
        label = "Crowbar",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_flashlight`] = {
        label = "Flashlight",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_golfclub`] = {
        label = "Golf Club",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_hammer`] = {
        label = "Hammer",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_hatchet`] = {
        label = "Hatchet",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_knuckle`] = {
        label = "Brass Knuckles",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_knife`] = {
        label = "Knife",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_machete`] = {
        label = "Machete",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_switchblade`] = {
        label = "Switchblade",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_nightstick`] = {
        label = "Nightstick",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_wrench`] = {
        label = "Pipe Wrench",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_battleaxe`] = {
        label = "Battle Axe",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_poolcue`] = {
        label = "Pool Cue",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_stone_hatchet`] = {
        label = "Stone Hatchet",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_candycane`] = {
        label = "Candy Cane",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_pistol`] = {
        label = "Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pistol_mk2`] = {
        label = "Pistol Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatpistol`] = {
        label = "Combat Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_appistol`] = {
        label = "AP Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_stungun`] = {
        label = "Stun Gun",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_pistol50`] = {
        label = "Pistol .50",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_snspistol`] = {
        label = "SNS Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_snspistol_mk2`] = {
        label = "SNS Pistol Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavypistol`] = {
        label = "Heavy Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_vintagepistol`] = {
        label = "Vintage Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_flaregun`] = {
        label = "Flare Gun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_marksmanpistol`] = {
        label = "Marksman Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_revolver`] = {
        label = "Heavy Revolver",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_revolver_mk2`] = {
        label = "Heavy Revolver Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_doubleaction`] = {
        label = "Double Action Revolver",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_raypistol`] = {
        label = "Up-n-Atomizer",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_ceramicpistol`] = {
        label = "Ceramic Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_navyrevolver`] = {
        label = "Navy Revolver",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_gadgetpistol`] = {
        label = "Perico Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_stungun_mp`] = {
        label = "Stun Gun",
        displayAmmo = false,
    [`weapon_pistolxm3`] = {
        label = "WM 29 Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_microsmg`] = {
        label = "Micro SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_smg`] = {
        label = "SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_smg_mk2`] = {
        label = "SMG Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultsmg`] = {
        label = "Assault SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatpdw`] = {
        label = "Combat PDW",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_machinepistol`] = {
        label = "Machine Pistol",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_minismg`] = {
        label = "Mini SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_raycarbine`] = {
        label = "Unholy Hellbringer",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_tecpistol`] = {
        label = "Tactical SMG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pumpshotgun`] = {
        label = "Pump Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2`] = {
        label = "Pump Shotgun Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_sawnoffshotgun`] = {
        label = "Sawed-Off Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultshotgun`] = {
        label = "Assault Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bullpupshotgun`] = {
        label = "Bullpup Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_musket`] = {
        label = "Musket",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavyshotgun`] = {
        label = "Heavy Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_dbshotgun`] = {
        label = "Double Barrel Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_autoshotgun`] = {
        label = "Sweeper Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatshotgun`] = {
        label = "Combat Shotgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultrifle`] = {
        label = "Assault Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_assaultrifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Assault Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_carbinerifle`] = {
        label = "Carbine Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_carbinerifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Carbine Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_advancedrifle`] = {
        label = "Advanced Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_specialcarbine`] = {
        label = "Special Carbine",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_specialcarbine_mk2`] = {
        label = "Special Carbine Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bullpuprifle`] = {
        label = "Bullpup Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Bullpup Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_compactrifle`] = {
        label = "Compact Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_militaryrifle`] = {
        label = "Military Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavyrifle`] = {
        label = "Heavy Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_tacticalrifle`] = {
        label = "Tactical Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_mg`] = {
        label = "MG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatmg`] = {
        label = "Combat MG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_combatmg_mk2`] = {
        label = "Combat MG Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_gusenberg`] = {
        label = "Gusenberg Sweeper",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_sniperrifle`] = {
        label = "Sniper Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavysniper`] = {
        label = "Heavy Sniper",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_heavysniper_mk2`] = {
        label = "Heavy Sniper Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_marksmanrifle`] = {
        label = "Marksman Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2`] = {
        label = "Marksman Rifle Mk II",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_precisionrifle`] = {
        label = "Precision Rifle",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_rpg`] = {
        label = "RPG",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_grenadelauncher`] = {
        label = "Grenade Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke`] = {
        label = "Grenade Launcher Smoke",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_minigun`] = {
        label = "Minigun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_firework`] = {
        label = "Firework Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_railgun`] = {
        label = "Railgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_hominglauncher`] = {
        label = "Homing Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_compactlauncher`] = {
        label = "Compact Grenade Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_rayminigun`] = {
        label = "Widowmaker",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_emplauncher`] = {
        label = "Compact EMP Launcher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_railgunxm3`] = {
        label = "Railgun",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_grenade`] = {
        label = "Grenade",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_bzgas`] = {
        label = "BZ Gas",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_molotov`] = {
        label = "Molotov Cocktail",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_stickybomb`] = {
        label = "Sticky Bomb",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_proxmine`] = {
        label = "Proximity Mines",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_snowball`] = {
        label = "Snowballs",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_pipebomb`] = {
        label = "Pipe Bombs",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_ball`] = {
        label = "Baseball",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_smokegrenade`] = {
        label = "Tear Gas",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_flare`] = {
        label = "Flare",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_acidpackage`] = {
        label = "Acid Package",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_petrolcan`] = {
        label = "Jerry Can",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_fireextinguisher`] = {
        label = "Fire Extinguisher",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_hazardcan`] = {
        label = "Hazardous Jerry Can",
        displayAmmo = true,
    [`weapon_fertilizercan`] = {
        label = "Fertilizer Can",
        displayAmmo = true,
-- { 17movement.net } --

What is the MS when not in a vehicle and when in a vehicle?

On my pc it’s 0.02 on foot, and around 0.04-0.05 in vehicle

Yes, after purchase you can edit css or config to fit hud with your expectations. Also players in game can change font color too.

Does it need a certain voice script because i use saltychat still

It works with saltychat :grin:

1 Like

u have society money display?

Job and cash and Bank are an option yes


Do u see your job somewhere?

yes there is a job display just enable it in the config

do i need to change certain exports for the progress bars and hud inputs ?

Hey! Our resource have an auto-install feature, which will automatically replace all of your esx or qb-core UI’s

oh nice ! thank youuu :smiley:

1 Like

Why the js is encrypted? Isn’t it against the rules to encode something outside of the escrow system?

Kilometers driven display would be cool

Is there nitrous support included? If not is it in the roadmap?