There you go brother
-- { } --
Config = {}
Config.UseMPH = false
Config.CompassFollowGameCam = true
Config.SeatBeltsKey = "K"
Config.SoundVolume = 1.0
Config.MaxVest = 100
Config.DefaultVoiceMode = 2
Config.MaxVoiceMode = 3
Config.DarkModeStartsAt = "21:00"
Config.DarkModeEndsAt = "6:00"
Config.SettingsKeybind = "U"
-- Stress system
Config.EnableStress = true -- Use build-in stress system
Config.AddStressWhileShooting = true -- Should add stress while shooting?
Config.StressingSpeed = 100 -- Speed above which you start to get stressed
Config.MinimumStressForEffects = 50 -- Minimum Stress amount to start effects
Config.StressEffects = {
Min = 50,
Max = 60,
Timeout = math.random(50000, 60000),
Blur = 1500,
Min = 60,
Max = 70,
Timeout = math.random(40000, 50000),
Blur = 2000,
Min = 70,
Max = 80,
Timeout = math.random(30000, 40000),
Blur = 2500,
Min = 80,
Max = 90,
Timeout = math.random(20000, 30000),
Blur = 3000,
Min = 90,
Max = 100,
Timeout = math.random(10000, 20000),
Blur = 3500,
RagdollTime = 2000,
-- Here you can confugure some notifications when status if lower/bigger than the set value
Config.StatusNotifications = {
-- {
-- status (Status type): string["Health", "Vest", "Hunger", "Thirst", "Stress", "Oxygen"]
-- lowerThan (Show notification when status is lower than): number<0, 100>
-- biggerThan (Show notification when status is bigger than): number<0, 100>
-- notifyTitle (Notify title): string
-- notifyMessage (Notify message): string
-- },
status = "Thirst",
lowerThan = 10,
notifyTitle = "Thirsty",
notifyMessage = "You are feeling thirsty. Drink something",
status = "Hunger",
lowerThan = 10,
notifyTitle = "Hungry",
notifyMessage = "You are feeling hungry. Eat something",
-- Default HUD colors. NOTE: colors must be specified as 8 character hex code (first 6 letters = color, 2 last letters = opacity)
Config.DefaultColors = {
['light'] = {
["--color-primary"] = "#679bffff",
["--color-secondary"] = "#ffffffff",
["--color-text-primary"] = "#ffffffff",
["--color-text-secondary"] = "#ffffffb0",
["--color-transparent"] = "#c2c2c24c",
['dark'] = {
["--color-primary"] = "#679bffff",
["--color-secondary"] = "#ffffffff",
["--color-text-primary"] = "#ffffffff",
["--color-text-secondary"] = "#ffffffb0",
["--color-transparent"] = "#0000004c",
-- Default HUD settings
Config.DefaultSettings = {
['AutoTheme'] = true, -- Values: [true, false]. Enables that theme work in automatic mode (depends from time)
['DarkMode'] = false, -- Values: [true, false]. If AutoTheme is false, then the hud theme will be set to this value
['SpeedUnits'] = "kmh", -- Values: ['kmh', 'mph']. Default speed units. (NOTE: DO NO TOUCH! Sets automatically from Config.UseMPH)
['Map'] = "inCar", -- Values: [true, false, 'inCar']. When radar should be displayed
['CinematicMode'] = false, -- Values: [true, false]. Is that CinematicMode enabled
['NotifyVolume'] = 50, -- Values: <0, 100>. Default notifications sounds volume
['healthAndVest'] = true, -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Health and Vest componenets. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
['food'] = true, -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Hunger and Thirt componenet. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
['stress'] = true, -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Stress componenet. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
['oxygen'] = true, -- Values: [true, <0,1>]. Displaying Oxygen component. True - show always. Number - Show only is lower than
['voice'] = true, -- Values: [true, false]. Show Microphone component
['location'] = true, -- Values: [true, false]. Show location component
['time'] = true, -- Values: [true, false]. Show time component
['cash'] = true, -- Values: [true, false]. Show cash component
['bank'] = true, -- Values: [true, false]. Show bank component
['weapon'] = true, -- Values: [true, false]. Show weapon component
-- Here you can absolutly remove some components from HUD. Values: [true, false]
Config.Components = {
["health"] = true,
["healthAndVest"] = true,
["oxygen"] = true,
["food"] = true,
["stress"] = true,
["radio"] = true,
["weapon"] = true,
["ammo"] = true,
["voice"] = true,
["cash"] = true,
["bank"] = true,
["time"] = true,
["location"] = true,
-- Your langugage
Config.Lang = {
["DefaultNotification"] = "Notification",
['DefaultProgressBar'] = "Progress bar",
['AddingStress'] = "You are feeling more stressed",
['RemovingStress'] = "You are feeling more relexed",
["CancelProgressHint"] = "Press ~INPUT_VEH_DUCK~ to cancel",
["NUI_SERVER_TIME"] = "Server Time",
["NUI_BANK"] = "Bank",
["NUI_CASH"] = "Cash",
["NUI_MPH"] = "MPH",
["NUI_KMH"] = "KMH",
["NUI_SETTINGS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Settings</strong>",
"Here you can change some main hud features",
["NUI_SETTINGS_EXIT"] = 'Press <span class="button">ESC</span> to exit',
["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS"] = "Change Icons <strong>Position</strong>",
["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS_CANCEL"] = "Press <span>ESC</span> to cancel",
["NUI_SETTINGS_POSITIONS_SAVE"] = "Press <span>Enter</span> to save",
["NUI_SETTINGS_COLORS"] = "Hud <strong>Colors</strong>",
["NUI_SETTINGS_CHOOSE_THEME"] = "Choose <strong>Theme</strong>",
["NUI_SETTINGS_ONLY_IN_CAR"] = "Only in car",
["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW_IF_UNDER"] = "Show if under",
["NUI_SETTINGS_SHOW_IF_ABOVE"] = "Show if above",
["NUI_SETTINGS_VOLUME"] = "Notification Volume",
["NUI_SETTINGS_STATUS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Status Elements</strong>",
"Here you can change some display related settings",
["NUI_SETTINGS_HEALTH_AND_ARMOR"] = "Health and Armor",
["NUI_SETTINGS_HUNGER_AND_THIRST"] = "Hunger and Thirst",
["NUI_SETTINGS_STREET_NAMES"] = "Street names",
["NUI_SETTINGS_GAME_TIME"] = "Game time",
["NUI_SETTINGS_BANK"] = "Bank money",
["NUI_SETTINGS_WEAPON"] = "Current Weapon",
["NUI_SETTINGS_WANT_TO_SAVE"] = "Do you want to save settings?",
["NUI_COLORS_HEADER"] = "Hud <strong>Edit Colors</strong>",
"Here you can change colors for choosed theme",
["NUI_COLORS_CHOOSE_THEME"] = "Choose <strong>Theme</strong>",
["NUI_COLORS_SELECT_COLORS"] = "Select Colors",
["NUI_COLORS_WANT_TO_SAVE"] = "Do you want to save?",
-- List of weapons. You can edit names and ammo displaying
Config.Weapons = {
[`weapon_dagger`] = {
label = "Antique Cavalry Dagger",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_bat`] = {
label = "Baseball Bat",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_bottle`] = {
label = "Broken Bottle",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_crowbar`] = {
label = "Crowbar",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_flashlight`] = {
label = "Flashlight",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_golfclub`] = {
label = "Golf Club",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_hammer`] = {
label = "Hammer",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_hatchet`] = {
label = "Hatchet",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_knuckle`] = {
label = "Brass Knuckles",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_knife`] = {
label = "Knife",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_machete`] = {
label = "Machete",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_switchblade`] = {
label = "Switchblade",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_nightstick`] = {
label = "Nightstick",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_wrench`] = {
label = "Pipe Wrench",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_battleaxe`] = {
label = "Battle Axe",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_poolcue`] = {
label = "Pool Cue",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_stone_hatchet`] = {
label = "Stone Hatchet",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_candycane`] = {
label = "Candy Cane",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_pistol`] = {
label = "Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_pistol_mk2`] = {
label = "Pistol Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_combatpistol`] = {
label = "Combat Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_appistol`] = {
label = "AP Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_stungun`] = {
label = "Stun Gun",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_pistol50`] = {
label = "Pistol .50",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_snspistol`] = {
label = "SNS Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_snspistol_mk2`] = {
label = "SNS Pistol Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_heavypistol`] = {
label = "Heavy Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_vintagepistol`] = {
label = "Vintage Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_flaregun`] = {
label = "Flare Gun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_marksmanpistol`] = {
label = "Marksman Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_revolver`] = {
label = "Heavy Revolver",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_revolver_mk2`] = {
label = "Heavy Revolver Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_doubleaction`] = {
label = "Double Action Revolver",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_raypistol`] = {
label = "Up-n-Atomizer",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_ceramicpistol`] = {
label = "Ceramic Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_navyrevolver`] = {
label = "Navy Revolver",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_gadgetpistol`] = {
label = "Perico Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_stungun_mp`] = {
label = "Stun Gun",
displayAmmo = false,
[`weapon_pistolxm3`] = {
label = "WM 29 Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_microsmg`] = {
label = "Micro SMG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_smg`] = {
label = "SMG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_smg_mk2`] = {
label = "SMG Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_assaultsmg`] = {
label = "Assault SMG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_combatpdw`] = {
label = "Combat PDW",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_machinepistol`] = {
label = "Machine Pistol",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_minismg`] = {
label = "Mini SMG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_raycarbine`] = {
label = "Unholy Hellbringer",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_tecpistol`] = {
label = "Tactical SMG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_pumpshotgun`] = {
label = "Pump Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_pumpshotgun_mk2`] = {
label = "Pump Shotgun Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_sawnoffshotgun`] = {
label = "Sawed-Off Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_assaultshotgun`] = {
label = "Assault Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_bullpupshotgun`] = {
label = "Bullpup Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_musket`] = {
label = "Musket",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_heavyshotgun`] = {
label = "Heavy Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_dbshotgun`] = {
label = "Double Barrel Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_autoshotgun`] = {
label = "Sweeper Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_combatshotgun`] = {
label = "Combat Shotgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_assaultrifle`] = {
label = "Assault Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_assaultrifle_mk2`] = {
label = "Assault Rifle Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_carbinerifle`] = {
label = "Carbine Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_carbinerifle_mk2`] = {
label = "Carbine Rifle Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_advancedrifle`] = {
label = "Advanced Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_specialcarbine`] = {
label = "Special Carbine",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_specialcarbine_mk2`] = {
label = "Special Carbine Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_bullpuprifle`] = {
label = "Bullpup Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_bullpuprifle_mk2`] = {
label = "Bullpup Rifle Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_compactrifle`] = {
label = "Compact Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_militaryrifle`] = {
label = "Military Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_heavyrifle`] = {
label = "Heavy Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_tacticalrifle`] = {
label = "Tactical Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_mg`] = {
label = "MG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_combatmg`] = {
label = "Combat MG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_combatmg_mk2`] = {
label = "Combat MG Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_gusenberg`] = {
label = "Gusenberg Sweeper",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_sniperrifle`] = {
label = "Sniper Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_heavysniper`] = {
label = "Heavy Sniper",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_heavysniper_mk2`] = {
label = "Heavy Sniper Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_marksmanrifle`] = {
label = "Marksman Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_marksmanrifle_mk2`] = {
label = "Marksman Rifle Mk II",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_precisionrifle`] = {
label = "Precision Rifle",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_rpg`] = {
label = "RPG",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_grenadelauncher`] = {
label = "Grenade Launcher",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke`] = {
label = "Grenade Launcher Smoke",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_minigun`] = {
label = "Minigun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_firework`] = {
label = "Firework Launcher",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_railgun`] = {
label = "Railgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_hominglauncher`] = {
label = "Homing Launcher",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_compactlauncher`] = {
label = "Compact Grenade Launcher",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_rayminigun`] = {
label = "Widowmaker",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_emplauncher`] = {
label = "Compact EMP Launcher",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_railgunxm3`] = {
label = "Railgun",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_grenade`] = {
label = "Grenade",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_bzgas`] = {
label = "BZ Gas",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_molotov`] = {
label = "Molotov Cocktail",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_stickybomb`] = {
label = "Sticky Bomb",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_proxmine`] = {
label = "Proximity Mines",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_snowball`] = {
label = "Snowballs",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_pipebomb`] = {
label = "Pipe Bombs",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_ball`] = {
label = "Baseball",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_smokegrenade`] = {
label = "Tear Gas",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_flare`] = {
label = "Flare",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_acidpackage`] = {
label = "Acid Package",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_petrolcan`] = {
label = "Jerry Can",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_fireextinguisher`] = {
label = "Fire Extinguisher",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_hazardcan`] = {
label = "Hazardous Jerry Can",
displayAmmo = true,
[`weapon_fertilizercan`] = {
label = "Fertilizer Can",
displayAmmo = true,
-- { } --