Advanced Community Service
Well optimized, configurable. Mod menu safe, you can give offline player community service. The players cant escape, and always show reason.
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 600+ |
Requirements | ESX |
Support | Yes |
⌈ Buy from here ⌋ :
For online player:
For offline player, at license dont type the “license:” part:
Example: /comserve jn374jnasd734bhbak 150 NONRP
End community service:
/endcomserve ID
Config.RealsePerms = { 'owner', 'developer', 'superadmin' } -- user rank who can take out from community service
Config.PutInPerms = { 'owner', 'coowner', 'admin'} -- user rank who can put in to community service
Config.AllowConsole = true
Config.NotifyAll = true
Config.Webhook = ""í
Config.locales = "en"
Config.ServiceExtensionOnEscape = 0
Config.ServiceLocation = vector3(-1388.232, 6742.181, 12.98071)
Config.ReleaseLocation = vector3(-119.3647, -1025.646, 27.97746)
Config.ServiceLocations = {
{ coords = vector3(-1381.934, 6740.437, 7.971498), active = true },
{ coords = vector3(-1388.384, 6739.833, 7.971496), active = true },
{ coords = vector3(-1387.35, 6745.768, 7.971496), active = true },
{ coords = vector3(-1392.679, 6748.131, 10.90762), active = true },
{ coords = vector3(-1398.359, 6745.655, 10.9076), active = true },
{ coords = vector3(-1393.458, 6738.688, 10.90762), active = true },
{ coords = vector3(-1385.928, 6741.339, 10.98071), active = true },
{ coords = vector3(-1407.485, 6748.56, 10.90748), active = true },
Config.Uniforms = {
male = {
['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
['torso_1'] = 420, ['torso_2'] = 0,
['decals_1'] = 0, ['decals_2'] = 0,
['arms'] = 173,
['pants_1'] = 142, ['pants_2'] = 0,
['shoes_1'] = 13, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
['chain_1'] = 0, ['chain_2'] = 0,
['mask_1'] = 194, ['mask_2'] = 0,
['glasses_1'] = 0, ['glasses_2'] = 0,
['helmet_1'] = 11, ['helmet_2'] = 0,
['bproof_1'] = 0, ['bproof_2'] = 0
female = {
['tshirt_1'] = 3, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
['torso_1'] = 38, ['torso_2'] = 3,
['decals_1'] = 0, ['decals_2'] = 0,
['arms'] = 120, ['pants_1'] = 3,
['pants_2'] = 15, ['shoes_1'] = 66,
['shoes_2'] = 5, ['chain_1'] = 0,
['chain_2'] = 0