Advanced Community Service

Advanced Community Service

Well optimized, configurable. Mod menu safe, you can give offline player community service. The players cant escape, and always show reason.

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600+
Requirements ESX
Support Yes

⌈ Buy from here ⌋ :


For online player:

For offline player, at license dont type the “license:” part:
Example: /comserve jn374jnasd734bhbak 150 NONRP

End community service:
/endcomserve ID


Config.RealsePerms = { 'owner', 'developer', 'superadmin' } -- user rank who can take out from community service
Config.PutInPerms = { 'owner', 'coowner', 'admin'} -- user rank who can put in to community service
Config.AllowConsole = true

Config.NotifyAll = true

Config.Webhook = ""í

Config.locales = "en"

Config.ServiceExtensionOnEscape = 0

Config.ServiceLocation = vector3(-1388.232, 6742.181, 12.98071)

Config.ReleaseLocation = vector3(-119.3647, -1025.646, 27.97746)

Config.ServiceLocations = {
    { coords = vector3(-1381.934, 6740.437, 7.971498), active = true },
    { coords = vector3(-1388.384, 6739.833, 7.971496), active = true },
    { coords = vector3(-1387.35, 6745.768, 7.971496), active = true },
    { coords = vector3(-1392.679, 6748.131, 10.90762), active = true },
    { coords = vector3(-1398.359, 6745.655, 10.9076), active = true },
    { coords = vector3(-1393.458, 6738.688, 10.90762), active = true },
    { coords = vector3(-1385.928, 6741.339, 10.98071), active = true },
    { coords = vector3(-1407.485, 6748.56, 10.90748), active = true },

Config.Uniforms = {
    male = {
        ['tshirt_1'] = 15, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
        ['torso_1'] = 420, ['torso_2'] = 0,
        ['decals_1'] = 0, ['decals_2'] = 0,
        ['arms'] = 173,
        ['pants_1'] = 142, ['pants_2'] = 0,
        ['shoes_1'] = 13, ['shoes_2'] = 0,
        ['chain_1'] = 0, ['chain_2'] = 0,
        ['mask_1'] = 194, ['mask_2'] = 0,
        ['glasses_1'] = 0, ['glasses_2'] = 0,
        ['helmet_1'] = 11, ['helmet_2'] = 0,
        ['bproof_1'] = 0, ['bproof_2'] = 0
    female = {
        ['tshirt_1'] = 3, ['tshirt_2'] = 0,
        ['torso_1'] = 38, ['torso_2'] = 3,
        ['decals_1'] = 0, ['decals_2'] = 0,
        ['arms'] = 120, ['pants_1'] = 3,
        ['pants_2'] = 15, ['shoes_1'] = 66,
        ['shoes_2'] = 5, ['chain_1'] = 0,
        ['chain_2'] = 0
1 Like

qb version and demo pls

Is this for qbcore?

QB version not yet released, but working on it, coming soon. :slight_smile:

1 Like

without due respect, nice work, but i think there’s much better than this i saw it on github just for free, GitHub - fivemland/fl_punishment: Admin Jail, Community Service, Ban + Admin panel for list players.


It is modder safe too? Support give offline player community service? Dont know this, but what i see a much different.

Bro this is the same but free :joy: