Advanced Ammo [ESX, QB, OX, QBOX, PS, QS + Meta]


Introducing the Advanced Ammo Script, which enhances the role-play experience by offering players a user-friendly and realistic ammunition system. Players can easily select from different ammo types and magazine options, adding a new layer of strategy and immersion to combat. This system integrates seamlessly with QBCore and ESX, supporting custom ammunition types and a range of features that elevate firearm interactions and realism within the game.


:zap: Optimized – Runs at 0.00MS idle for smooth performance.

:fire: 5 Magazine Types – Equip your firearms with different magazines, adding variety and tactical depth to every gun.

:gear: Customizable – Easily configure ammo types, magazine options, bullet effects, and damage settings.

:hammer_and_wrench: Cross-Framework Support – Fully compatible with both QBCore and ESX.

:closed_lock_with_key: Server Synced – All data is stored server-side for consistent and secure performance.

YouTube Showcase:


:shopping_cart: Buy Here: Tebex Link

Code is accessible Only Config Files
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 14.400
Requirements none
Support Yes

Not working and I opened a ticket no response for 2weeks now

Yooo this script is not working for me and yall not replying on discord this is a pretty costly script can I get some assistance

i am so sorry for your bad experience with support, i have been to a accident and my neck and back has been hurt could not get to my pc. i dont want to make excuses. i’ve already covered all the tickets. if i have not responded to yours please tag me and i will get to you asap